Happy Birthday to me.

 Alright so I figured I should write an entry since Friday the 6th was my birthday. Yay right? Meh not really. This marks the what 4th or 5th consecutive year of nothingness on my birthday. Didn’t even really get to drink on my 21st. Now I’m 22 woohoo. I had more ‘happy bdayy’s from people I barely talk to than people i talk to the most. I mean shit ‘J’ even messaged me a happy birthday. And we haven’t talked in like two years. I got it from my old hockey coach who moved away and a goalie I used to play against who also happens to teach at uva. What’d I get? Lemme look….nada. And yet my ssister, three years my elder, butches and moans until she gets something and I haven’t even really had my birthday acknowledged in years… Soooo…sure. 

So as expected another year of me and the holiday season not getting along.  Oh and at work… I asked hr to be sure when I got paid, "hey can I double check with you that I get paid next Friday?" Instead of just getting a confirmation yes or no I got "let me ask you, did we go over this in orientation?" For starters no….we didn’t. And secondly I asked for a confirmation. Not your Bitchy attitude over one question. After her attitude I just reminded her I was just looking for confirmation and she confirmed it in a bitchy way. I thanked her and walked away and heard her like laugh sarcastically as if ‘do you believe he would ask me that?’ After I was around the corner… Ummm yeah… You are in hr …shall I explain that to you? Human resources… Your job is to be good with people not be a bitch over a simple yes or no question. You know I could do your job better than you. Just absurd. But work was easy. Still kinda learning. But overall easy. 


Ummm what else? Oh at work there this girl named Kelly and she looks unbelievably familiar and I just can’t place it.


Other than that I got nothing more than shitty bday again and my growing distaste for this season.


King out

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December 6, 2013

Random noter:: My husband shares your birthday. We also haven’t been able to do much for his past four birthdays… Well, Happy Birthday anyways :))

December 6, 2013

Happy Birthday from another person you don’t know! 🙂

December 7, 2013

Happy birthday, I feel you my birthdays seem to be the same these days. Sounds like a jerk at work, I love your um no we didn’t go over it. I hope the weekend gets better.

December 7, 2013

HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY DARLING ! I’m sorry you didn’t get anything though. 🙁 I still keep wishing your family would show you how much they do appreciate you. I hope you feel better. x

December 10, 2013

ryn: I’m elaborating some now. It’s a process.