32 Degrees

I have some celery stuck in my back teeth. I thought I had brushed it out this morning and I couldn’t find my floss. I was hungry last night, but not like super hungry so I had celery with blue cheese dressing. Oh man you would have thought I died and went to heaven, it tasted so good. Nick called to me from the kitchen as I was in the bedroom snacking away … “Man you are making that sound fantastic.”

After my double yesterday, Kat and I had to walk to grandma’s to take a shower. Our shower has been out since last Thursday. We discovered it on Friday – and told the maintenance guy (Guy), but he said we had to call the office and put in a formal work order before he could touch it. So we waited through the weekend and tried calling all day Monday, and all day Tuesday with no response or even an option to leave a message. So yesterday Nick went to the office and hounded them until Guy actually came to work on it. Turns out, it’s a bigger issue than he can handle so we have to wait for another plumber to come today. They were supposed to be there at 9:00 but apparently no one has shown up yet.  (it’s a bit after 10:00) so Nick is getting a little upset. Before you could at least fill the tub, and he could wash himself that way, but since Guy messed with it you can’t. He should have come to grandma’s with us yesterday.

I am excited they installed a new shower head though. It’s one of those nice big ones, vs the little old basic trickling one we had previously. Take the good, take the bad, something something the facts of life.

Also, our kitchen sink has been kinda busted for quite some time. The water pressure got messed up and so our sink only trickled but the sprayer hose worked fine, so we were just using that. But Guy busted it yesterday, so we are getting the whole thing replaced. It will nice to finally live like normal people. Nick has this need to try to “wait things out” because he thinks that if we keep calling with issues they will increase our rent. So we will live with mild discomfort for forever if it was up to him.

The weather is nice and cool, and I am ready to get back into baking. Not smoking, I should have a little more money for things like that now. I’m going to Walmart with Gigi after work tonight. I have $26.17 on gift cards so I need to pick up something for that potluck I almost forgot about. Thinking about just baking some Halloween cookies. I dunno. Pumpkin brownies sounded good too. Although I have a craving for deviled eggs. I could put eyeballs on ’em ‘er sumthin’. We will see what strikes my fancy when I get to the store.

I have a bunch of random jobs to get going today so I will hop on that bandwagon for awhile and probably be back after lunch.




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October 24, 2019

Hope you got the celery unstuck.  I know it can be a weird feeling to have something in you that isn’t suppose to be there.  Good luck with figuring what you are going to do for the potluck

October 24, 2019

@jaythesmartone 4:25Pm and the celery is still there. Smaller, but still there.

October 24, 2019

I’m not even close to an expert on this, so don’t quote me on this, but I don’t think they can raise the rent just because they’re doing what they are legally obligated to do. I don’t know though.

I hope you get everything fixed in your apartment.

I’ve never had blue cheese dressing. I have only put peanut butter on celery.

October 24, 2019

@heffay I am pretty sure they wouldn’t either, but Nick gets an idea in his head and it’s hard to change it. I’m at work until 7 so I hope when I get home everything is fixed! Fingers crossed.

Blue cheese is the best. Give ‘er a try sometime.

October 24, 2019

@thelastdonut if it was me and everything was fixed, the first thing I’d want to do is take a shower. I love a good shower

October 24, 2019

@heffay I want to do the dishes to be honest!

October 24, 2019

@heffay Sink, tub AND toilet fixed! (Toilet was filling really slowly) I am back in business!

October 24, 2019

@thelastdonut Make sure you don’t get the tub and toilet confused. Which… I mean you would have to be really out of it to do that.

October 24, 2019

@heffay One morning I pumped my hand soap onto my tooth brush instead of tooth paste.

October 24, 2019

@thelastdonut Okay, so now I’m glad I warned you about not confusing the tub and toilet.