short but quick to th point

I know sometimes absence makes the heart grow fonder. In this case I wouldnt believe it to be true. All apologies for the absence but alot has been going on here. My mother kicked me out of her home last sunday. So in a sense she also kicked my son out. I wasnt going to leave him behind in tears. I wasnt going to be the father that forgot his only child in a dark resdence.She refused to give me any clothes for him. Thank goodness for great friends, they have helped me get him clothes even though when i was able to retrieve some things, she gave me very few clothes for him, and were too small. She is now taking me to court to steal him away from me. My fiancee have a happy family. We have a stable home. And we have her family who has taken us in very lovinly. Please send me love, hearts, prayers, whatever you may do, to help us through this dark space. I was served Friday evening at 5 pm. My court date is Tuesday at 9:45 am. This is a very cruel world indeed. Thank you mother, for ruining every happiness i ever felt. Thank you mother for the things you have done for me and my son. Thank you mother for all of the hatred for you.

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