Cancer and GOD

8 days off! I LOVE my job. I really do. Yeah, it’s gross. Yeah, I clean up poop all day but so what?  I only work 3 days a week so who cares! Sometimes they will bunch my days together so I get 7 or 8 days off which is amazing. It’s like I get a vacation every month!

So here’s an update on my Aunt: She finished chemo and went back for a cat scan. They found a cyst the size of a grapefruit on her overies. They told us that they won’t know if it’s cancerous until she had the surgery to take it out. If it was related to her colon cancer, it woul mean she was pretty much done for. If it was just a cyst or a seperate cancer, they could take it out and be donw with it. (Because this was something that developed within the last 8 months.) Well….I prayed. For the first time in a long time I got down on my knees and prayed.  That’s all I could do. When I got the text from Aunt that the cyst was benign, I was relieved to say the least.  She was OKAY. Then I realized something. GOD had answered my prayers. He seems to be working miracles with my family in so many ways. I can just feel it. I was s unsure about my beliefs a few months ago.  I have been my whole life. So I started doing bible studies with my dad. The things he showed me in 3 studies are truly amazing. My dad knows the bible like no one else I know. He studies it word for word. I’m going to continue studying, and hopefully I will finally find my peace with GOD. I need him in my life…..and I really want to believe. He has done so much for me already.

My brother got baptized a couple weeks ago. He picked out a song for me to sing. It’s called "In Christ Alone." It’s very unlike my brother to pick out a song. But you know what else is unlike my brother? To have a girlfriend, and which he does now. He met her at church. Her name is Bethany and I think they are pretty serious.  She seems perfect for him. It’s almost like GOD put her here just for him….because my brother is quite different from the average guy. He was never dianosed, but I’m pretty sure he has some form of autism, like aspbergers or something. I am just so happy he found a girl. She’s pretty and sweet. He deserves a nice girl like that.

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June 5, 2013

Fingers crossed for your aunt xx