Marcus cont’d

I do hope you’re keeping up with Torin’s diary and the entries for the 24/7 challenge that I’ve been doing. If you haven’t, then you should go here and check out the daily efforts. I’ve been writing poetry and flash fiction and microfiction. I’ve also been brave and sent out two of the pieces into the world to see if I can find them a paying home. I also took Mote’s suggestion to switch the paragraphs in "Last Dance". I find it makes a more powerful piece. I’ll wander into Torin’s diary and present the revamped version there.

On with this tale now.


Hoarse shouts came from the direction of the lab. Something metal crashed to the floor and clanged before it settled. Guttural snarls made a chilling counterpoint to a sudden shrill shriek of unutterable agony.

"Oh dear God!" Marcus hesitated a brief moment before sprinting down the hall, shouting into his cell phone for armed guards. The door slammed open before he reached it and Marcus’ sprint came to an abrupt halt. He stared into Hell.

The man in the door clutched his abdomen to hold in the ropes of intestine that slipped and slithered between his fingers. One of the devils snapped at his leg, tearing his pants and the flesh beneath. He stared at Marcus with uncomprehending eyes, then slowly toppled over. His head thudded on the wall and he dropped to the ground.

Marcus gaped at the dead or dying scientist. Barry, his name was Barry Petropoulos. It seemed important to remember that. Beyond Barry, the rest of the scientists did their best to escape the onslaught. Marcus saw Jonah climb up onto one of the long metal tables. He knocked down apparatus with no regard for cost or delicacy and Marcus didn’t blame him. The devils had proven adept at climbing, burrowing, even clawing through wooden partitions and doors, but they couldn’t jump very high. Jonah might be safe if he stayed where he was.

However, with the door open, and devils beginning to swarm through, Marcus was no longer safe where he was. He turned and dashed back to his own office and slammed the steel door. With shaking hands, he picked up the desk phone and called the security desk.

"Yes, I was serious! Get them up here NOW!" He all but cursed the young woman on the other end. Moments later, he heard heavy booted feet tromping in rapid unison past his door. Then gunfire. He put his face in his hands and groaned.


It just gets more and more fun for poor Marcus, doesn’t it? 

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August 9, 2010

Okay, NOW you’re in my Bookmarks! I hadn’t realized until now. I’ve got some catching up to do! :-)Great stuff here.

August 10, 2010

everytime i read one of these, i get almost breathless and don’t want to read anymore but i can’t help myself. take care,

August 10, 2010

i will carry the “pictures” in my head all day. good job. *grins*

September 5, 2010

catching up