Upwardly Tuggified.

Originally posted for keep_on_tugging on LJ. As such, I talk to them, as they know what I’m talking about. Also, I refer to a Coverage Index proposed on this website, which all of us use. Formerly circumcised, I refer to the left side. An intact male would refer to the right side.

I decided to experiment with tugging around my neck overnight, rather than down either leg. Reasons. One, I only have a few hours at the end of the day to tug, so overnight tugging will effectively give me more time. Two, the ventral (bottom side) of my penis needs more growth. Upward tugging will apply more tension to the ventral side, and thus help me out, as opposed to the constant dorsal tension I’ve been doing since I started tugging.

Previously when tugging overnight, I just had it around my leg. And since legs move, I couldn’t keep consistent tension. Or it would end up pinching and I’d shuck it off in the middle of the night. However, the torso has far less range of motion when we’re laying down. I thought having it around my neck would feel like choking, but then I noticed that the tension is at the back of my neck, not the front. I squat when I lift, so I’m used to feeling pressure on my trapezius.

The trick is lower the tension. As I’ve continued restoring, I’ve noticed a progression to almost non-existant slipping. For me, I only feel pinching or discomfort if the scar is under tension, so I make sure to keep it up and away from tension. If that makes sense. Since it’s up and not to one side, evenly applying skin to the tugger typically will stay even. Any shifting is more ventral/dorsal, rather than lateral.

Having mastered being able to tug overnight, I’m rather estatic. THIS IS AWESOME. I sleep on my back and wake up rested. And since I don’t need to adjust it overnight, that means the application was perfect, and I wake up with minimal irritation or rawness that can occur with overaggressive tugging. So I can then tug again the next night. In addition, I realized I don’t need to stop tugging when warm weather hits, as I used to wear pants to hide my strap.

For the longest time, I’ve been between CI-3 and CI-4, though I think I’m closer to CI-4 than I give myself credit for. There are becoming fewer and fewer instances where the skin retracts completely. For example, after I lift and hit the showers, I’ll have complete coverage. It puckers! It’s a cute little penis. Typically through the course of showering, it will retract. Before this latest endeavour to restore, it would retract completely. But now I still retain a small amount of overhang. That makes me happy. Just one of those things I’ve noticed and use as a frame of reference for progress.

Anyway, I’m happy and glad I’m back doing this. Just thought I’d share.

Oh, and I’m taking Anatomy and Physiology this semester, so the terminology is in my brain. My apologies.

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November 29, 2006

That’s a good idea. I’d be scared to sleep with something around my neck, but then again I’m a bit of a spaz in my sleep lol.


November 29, 2006

I remember coming across entries of yours awhile ago in regards to your “tugging”. Very very interesting. I didnt know there was such a thing until I read your entries. I am curious about something though… how long with this take? Any pain?

Oh Hon. Keep on tugging.

November 29, 2006

keep on tugging 🙂

November 29, 2006

keep up the good work, hun! hopefully you’ll acheive your goal soon! 🙂 i’ll be honest w/you, before finding your diary, i never even knew about tugging. it’s definitely an interesting concept, and i’m glad it’s working for you! i bet more men that felt robbed of their foreskin would love to know about this procedure. they should discuss it openly, like on medical programs and such. give all men that were robbed like you were the chance to get part of their manhood back. 🙂

November 29, 2006

Still tugging, are you? I haven’t read your OD since about 2004. How’s it coming along, that tugging? growth?