Which Hand Do You Masturbate With?

“I masturbated last night, and after I was done, I had a cramp all up my arm. I could get carpal tunnel if I do that too much.” – Jennie

I told her that she needs to switch arms now and then. I can masturbate effectively with both hands.

Rather than add a new entry, might as well just use this one. I am right-handed. I initially learned to masturbate with my right hand, but quickly learned to masturbate with my left. Let’s just say I needed the right hand for the mouse. For years, I’ve heavily favored my left hand, but can still use my right hand. It feels different to masturbate with my right hand, but not so different that I can’t orgasm. If I’m masturbating for a while, I like switching it up for the sake of variety, as each hand does it a little different.

Which hand do you masturbate with?

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I rub with my right. Absolutely CANNOT with my left. Someone back me up on this. You just can’t switch arms like that.

its true, its very difficult to switch it up.

*points to edit* Show off. RYN: Well, I do do kegels a lot.

January 5, 2007

Yeah, those ambidextrous masturbators are in the minority, for sure.

January 5, 2007

you really can’t switch arms. i didn’t bother trying to explain that before.

RYN: Bahaha! If I ever become single. I’ve been single since I got divorced three years ago. Just because I date people doesn’t mean I’m not single.

January 5, 2007

~giggles like a 6th grader at the thought of Jennie filling in the “reason” line of an insurance form wanting to know the cause of her carpal tunnel.~

That’s why I use toys. Much less strain on the wrists and fingers.

January 5, 2007

*points at above note* i usually use toys, but they’re all in my apartment at school. i only brought the pocket rocket home with me *pout*

January 5, 2007

i’m a righty but i do it with my left…i can’t do it with my right…it feels weird…

January 5, 2007

i practice quite often

I use both equally.

January 5, 2007

I can use either.

January 5, 2007

heh. i had this same problem in-between vibs. i used to cramp up like hell and i actuallyhave carpal tunnel from wrist banging so i had to learn to use my left hand. and then i bought a new vibrator and it does all the work for me! 🙂 yay for toys.

January 5, 2007

and i could always have multiple orgasms on my own, but with the aid of my vibrator i don’t stop until i’m having like four or five 🙂 love it.

Haha, i’d masturbate you with my right hand 😉

January 5, 2007

I am ambidextrous. Right or left, doesn’t matter….but the right hand is easier for me.

January 5, 2007

Right. Ditto with the first noters: impossible to switch hands. Guys have a pretty easy motion but girls have to move their fingers like a blur and it requires some skill.

January 5, 2007

i’m right handed and usually use my right hand, but i can use my left if i feel like it or …am otherwise occupied.i mean. no, i’m a minor, i don’t ever, ever masturbate. *solem nod*

I use both… at the same time

January 5, 2007

oh and…gramatically, wouldn’t it be “with which hand do you masturbate?”i was told today that they’re trying to remove “whom” from the english language. it made me very upset.

It takes time, but its possible to switch. But I will always favor the right hand.

You know, it also depends on the type of masturbation for women. are there toys involved that you need to manipulate? Is it just clit rubbing or fingering involved? I have decided, It Depends!

January 5, 2007

RYN: My sincerest apologies. You have clearly elevated the most common of motions to a fine art form. Only Timmy could accomplish such a feat. 😉

i can hold my toy in either hand or grip it between my thighs to have both hands free

January 5, 2007

I use my left hand. I used to use my right, and I’m still not sure when the switch took place. But, I’m sure if I re-trained I could be masturbation-ambidextrous.

ryn: I can’t recall so I guess I switch when my hands get tired

January 5, 2007

Bah – chicks have it easy, how can they boast about being ambidextrous when all they need to do is a bit of idle diddling? Masturbation for men, who wield a powerful and thick instrument that requires substantial throttling and pumping, is a more physical act. Oh, and I’ve never tried to wank with my left hand.

my right. I can’t really switch. Just doesn’t feel right…. pardon the pun.

I don’t. I freaking gave up, how pathetic is that. Sex with my boyfriend spoiled me for good orgasms and I can’t do it on my own *pouts*

January 5, 2007

I am a lefty 😮

January 5, 2007

Right. Left just doesn’t work…I do have a vibe but I’m not using it correctly I don’t think lol It just makes everything numb down there and then I NEVER can finish. *pout*

Im a righty but I use my lefty to jill off. But I sometimes use my right to put more pressure on.

January 5, 2007

Right. I can’t go anywhere with my left hand, unless I’ve already gone somewhere, if you know what I mean.

January 5, 2007

I use both equally, and even though I am right-handed, used my left to accomplish that goal minutes before reading this. Kismet.

January 5, 2007

Rub with my right. It’s really difficult for me to switch hands. I’m kind of spazzy with my left hand, haha.

I do believe I am lucky, since I happen to be Ambidextrious. That’s a perk huh??

January 6, 2007

Right. I tried using my left just a few days ago, and it just didn’t feel as good as it does with the right.

both, but mostly with my right.


January 7, 2007

i’m a very effective switch hitter.

January 19, 2007

yea feels like razon blades! and statistics is required by my school…thanks for stopping by 🙂 I love your pics on your profile, they are full of personality.

I jill with my left, but I’m right handed.

January 28, 2007

Always with the right hand, until I broke my clavicle/scapula. Left isn’t quite the same, but it’s good to know I can be ambidextrous if it’s something really important!