How Would You Classify? *

If you remember about 8 months ago I wrote an entry about various types of relationships people may have; Sex with people.

I’m curious to hear from people at what stage does one go from being just a regular booty call or casual fuck to a fuck buddy?

Is there X amount of times that you’ve met up or is that not as important as say the measurement of time in which you’ve been fucking? For example; meeting 6 times in a week or, only 3 times but over the course 6 months?

Personally I think it’s a combination of both. I would say 6 and 6 would classify you as a fuck buddy. Or am I being too generous?


So it was suggested by a random noter that “…3 X a week for 6 months, 6 X a week for 3 months, twice a day you whole lives, once a month for two years, i don’t really think it matters. as long as it continues, and nobody gets attatched…”

I’m talking 6 by 6 here as a minimum here. Sure 3 times a week for 6 months would fall within that category, thought he daily thing would fall within a relationship. Attachment would be inevitable at that frequency!

But you make a vaild point.

You are listening to: Robyn – With every heartbeat. 

(¸.·´ (¸.·´ *LPH*

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November 1, 2010

OMG I FUCKING LOVE YOU. Auntie Jaemes! *melts*

November 1, 2010

Not a clue. Wil

November 1, 2010

Anyone that I have had sex with more than three times I classify as a fuck buddy.

November 1, 2010

I put the ho in homo then… ha! no I haves my V-Card =(

November 1, 2010

Wow. I’ve never given it much thought. Hmm…..

November 2, 2010

I concur. ~

November 2, 2010

Hmmm… Not too sure. Figure if it’s got some sort of regularity it would be fuck buddy-ville. Which sounds like a pleasant place, no? Love,

November 2, 2010

i’m pretty sure that all you have to accomplish to be in the “fuck-buddy” category is the regularity of some sort of a sexual relationship between two people for a prolongued period of time. 3 X a week for 6 months, 6 X a week for 3 months, twice a day you whole lives, once a month for two years, i don’t really think it matters. as long as it continues, and nobody gets attatched, mainly.

November 2, 2010
November 2, 2010

I’d say, anyone you’ve been with more than say, 3 times would be considered a fuck buddy. But I’m not sure there’s an “official” rule that says that. RYN: Come visit me, I’ll give you a white Christmas! Wait, that came out wrong. OK, so did that.

November 2, 2010

RYN: Thanks 🙂 Believe me, Most days I do NOT feel like a brave and patient woman. I feel like a psycho in a blender haha! 🙂

November 2, 2010

I think it has more to do with how you feel about the fuck buddy, not how many times you’ve had him.

November 2, 2010

gosh you must have like 50 fb’s by now, right? 😛 kidding! Umm yeah i dunno – I wouldn’t say I have fuck buddies, just casual fucks every now and then with the same people but it’s not purely sexual you know, I like to chat and hang out and stuff so thats not really a fuck buddy, is it? Hmm, I dunno – i guess the word ‘buddy’ is in there for a reason – maybe its strings without the bullshit?

November 2, 2010

I have absolutely no answer to that question. RYN: Those are everyday. Hugs, John

November 2, 2010

RYN: Didn’t say I was on ‘happy pills’ 😛 I know about the weight gain thing from them. I have a very happy fat friend. I would never go there.

November 2, 2010

ryn: don’t know what a V-card is? slang for virginal

November 3, 2010

I don’t think there is a definite amount of times or frequency. I just think if it goes on for a long time and you don’t get emotionally involved then you’ve got a fuck buddy.

November 3, 2010

RYN: I don’t think I’ve described them as beautiful… though I think they are. No, haven’t tried to sell any… I need to make more first.

November 3, 2010

I’ve been pondering this for about 5 minutes and haven’t come up with anything interesting or conclusive to say. I’m useless.

November 3, 2010

the way I always thought of it was like… if you really don’t have even basic friendship-y feelings for the person, they’re just a casual fuck. If it’s someone you could hold conversation with, someone you don’t ONLY want to see for sex then they’re a fuck buddy. But I’m no expert, so maybe my thinking is a little screwy.

November 3, 2010

I’ve been sleeping in a cold winter bed alone for 22 years now! lol. I’m a bachelor and probably will be for a long time.

November 3, 2010

ryn: whats so confusing?

November 3, 2010

ryn: that’s because I WAS duh – so so gone haha

November 3, 2010

To be a f*ck buddy, i think you need to be friends with that person first

November 4, 2010

RYN: It very much used to be that way, but they’ve gotten a lot more picky now that the economy sucks and everything. Plus, the jobs are much more technical now, and kind of in demand moreso than the whole “cook something, mop something” etc. It’s frustrating because it seems like it’s taken so very, very long, but at the same time, I can kind of understand why and everything.

November 4, 2010

ryn: haha well it’s not like I PLAN to hook up – I just know Benji gives great head and seems to like my dick I think, but he got jealous when Darin was making out with me at the club a few weeks ago – i still dunno why. weird. I won’t know half the people there I’m guessing so I’ll prob go all quiet like I tend to do

November 4, 2010

ryn: hahaha, that you are sweety 🙂 xo

November 4, 2010

RYN: Yup. He just stopped talking to me. Got home from his Aus trip, told me he loved me and that was that. We’d had this huge talk about his moving and he was filling out his paper work and everything and then *POOF* gone. He didn’t come online in months. When he does show up he doesn’t even have the decency to reply to my message; so yes. Done. So done.

November 5, 2010

RYN: Sauerbraten is delicious, and I have to say, my grandma’s is the best! And I think you’re right, grandma’s have to have all of that stuff around, because God knows, you might have a hankering for half a dozen cookies or something…LOL.

November 5, 2010

Ryn: That’s partially why I was MIA for months. I just didn’t want to deal with the questions and the “are you ok? he’s a bum!” comments. I was pretty devastated for a while there. But I’m getting better and there is a little bit more to the story that I want to write an entry about; so, tonight hopefully. Love you,

November 5, 2010

RYN: Not so much that she was the final sway, it’s just…how she put it, totally made sense to me, you know. I thought, that’s exactly the way I feel!

November 5, 2010

ryn: Aww… thanks! 🙂 Budda is infamous for tipping over the trash, and apparently since he’s the only non-chihuahua, he’s the only one able to reach and do so… but then the other dogs help him eat “leftovers,” so like I said, they probably just got into something they shouldn’t have. But thanks for the well wishes and I will most certainly pass along the rump scratch. You’re sooo cute! 🙂

November 5, 2010

RYN: SO SORRY!!! Sorry! I went through my bookmarks last night and added them to the new OD and forgot to leave notes on them!! The new OD is TheBattlingBard

November 5, 2010

ryn: haha you know me, always a sucker for head – i let him do it, i just couldn’t be bothered going upstairs with him – not that there were any spare room up there anyway! Seriously, nothing was gunna happen. I wonder if the other two guys got a glimpse of my shlong lol. And how do you even ask that? Just straight out ask if they wanna join in? C’mon, you’re the expert here 😛

November 6, 2010

Tricky question. I believe it’s very difficult to avoid attachment in the circumstances though, the science behind the orgasm is designed to elicit feelings of love and attachment. Maybe if neither party ever had an orgasm it could last indefinitely. Probably not though.

November 9, 2010

Your question hurts my brain. I’ve been staring at it for the last couple of minutes and I can’t get it, I’m tired I know it’s faculties failing nothing wrong with your phrasing. Anyhow, separate to all of that, it’s cool to see someone who enjoys a thought experiment. Even if it is bizarrely accompanied it with electronica music… electronica music with violins now. I’ve got great visions of

November 9, 2010

clincal psychology tests going on testing for the affects of sex as regard attachment and relationships, with this song blaring on in the background. I wish I was doing a Psych major, that’d be a fun experiment.

It is about quality not quantity–the qualities are trust, understanding and mutual attraction. Dickiewit

November 10, 2010

I wish I had more to contribute, but I’ve only had sex with one person! RYN: Rote teaching is when you teach via memorization and regurgitation. I would much rather teach my students how to read the music themselves, but I just haven’t the time…

November 11, 2010

highly personal, I wager. we all set our boundaries… 😉

hey: I posted this reply on Empty’s page, thought I would share with you too….. ********************************** actually… you freaks (like me) will appreciate this.. It’s actually a whole rhyme.. lol fuck me, suck me, make me bleed. kinky sex is all I need. ROFL : )

December 13, 2010

wow, I haven’t been a fuck body ever since.I guess because I’m choosy. That leads me single still at this point in my life. haha