Almost there…

OK, the cool thing is looking more official, but I still haven’t been Gazetted, so to speak, so I’m not going to say for sure just yet. I will know for sure on Monday, but still a little cautious right now. Definitely not wearing any red shirts in my immediate future.

I’m getting a different couch. My parents uncovered (yes uncovered) one in my dad’s office they are going to give me, and they are going to take the old one to Goodwill. The new one is leather and needs to be cleaned, but my old one was starting to sag a bit at the end because I always sit in the same spot. It would probably help if I had an actual dining room and didn’t have to use the living room for everything, then my poor couch would get a rest every once in a while.

Dirty Girl is supposed to be off work and should be on her way over, so I’m going to eagerly await her arrival like a small puppy.

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Don’t listen to the “she may not IT” voice in your head. If your at all like me I had been burned many many times, so when I met Chad I was VERY skeptical and I never even let myself think he was the ONE. But damned if he wasn’t the ONE

February 10, 2007

RYN: And I’m hooked just from starting the very first season!!!! I was dead set against this show for a long while because I grew up as a little kid on the original, but I have so forgiven it for that!!!!!! I love it…*runs off to watch some more*

February 11, 2007

RYN: yeah.. I guess so. Later that day Johnny made me call them and I told my dad that “I needed to tell him why it was important for me to do this” and it wasn’t as eloquent as it was when I wrote it but it was okay. Good luck with everything! Thanks for the periodic updates about Sam and Rikki..