Can I be back on sixty hours please?

OK, it’s taken me a few shifts and a royal screwing this morning to realize that the new senior manager who’s working overnights with me is not being my partner, she’s being my senior manager. Let me explain: when AlaskaMan came to thirds to help out because one of my classmates quit he did my job when I wasn’t there and Mego’s job when *he* wasn’t there. In other words he came to thirds to help. Not her. The store looked like crap for the past two days and it’s because I expected her to be doing Mego’s job, but she wasn’t. She was there but I was still the only third shift manager there. She’s basically there to criticize what I’m doing and how I’m doing it. Every time she’d ask me a question about something I didn’t know a firm answer to I told her I didn’t know but let me go check. Then as soon as I have that information she wants to know what’s going on clear across the damned store (remember, 200,000 sq. ft.), so I tell her again I’m not sure I’ll go check it to which she replied (on the walkie) that I didn’t seem to know much of anything did I.


I’m sorry, but if I’m on one side of the store your ass needs to be on the other side of the store watching it. Or at the very least let me know ahead of time that I’m on my own and I need to deal with it while you’re throwing your crap at me too. So I should have a much better night tonight because I’m pretty well going to ignore her unless she specifically addresses something to me. I’m not going to involve her in the planning or decision making I’m just going to et it done and to hell with her. Fortunately after Christmas she’s back on days, but we get to keep our three days off. I’ll be worn out but at least the frakking store will look good.

Early today, I *told* her I was going out on the lift to bring pallets and what-not around to the collection area because everyone else on our shift that was licensed on the forklift was already busy. About half-way through I hear her on the walkie so I stop and turn it up. She was telling me I needed to get custodial over to wherever the hell she was and get the floors swept and scrubbed. I turned off my radio before I could tell her that she knew where the frak I was and she was the one inside and needed to get custodial over there her own damn self. I’m so annoyed. If I wasn’t expecting Ember to end up sleeping on *my* couch for a little bit I’d just quit and go sleep on hers.

Ember’s fine, there was just a bit of an "emotional vomit" as she called it a day or so ago. I’ve got a guest room with a real bed, but she seems really happy on my red couch. Whatever. I’ll just keep washing and changing the sheets on the guest bed in case anyone else shows up. 

The conference call was totally bogus. I guess the distric manager just wanted us to all know who sucked the most, like we didn’t already know. The four stores that are *totally* not anywhere near where they need to be on this new reporting thing didn’t need to be humiliated in public, and the ten stores who don’t suck didn’t need to have their overnight managers kept over for it. If our district manager wants to keep her job she needs to start firing the people who are endangering it. Nitwit.

I haven’t heard from my date in a day or so. I’ll try to text or call her sometime Wednesday night since I’ll be off. I’m just sooooo tired right now. I think most of that stems from my opening paragraphs though, and now I know how to deal with it.

(And knowing is half the battle!)
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December 15, 2008
December 15, 2008

I’m a patient person but even that would try my patience. I dont’ know how you put up with it!

December 15, 2008

I have one of her at my work. nifty ain’t they?

December 15, 2008

where do you work ?