Changed plans

Ember and Rah-Rah came over again last night after spending the day at the Tennessee Aquarium, they wanted to put their pictures up on the ‘Net. Rah-Rah had loads and tried to send them all at once and as a result she ended up leaving her computer here overnight so it could finish. Starshine came over for the first time too, and we decided that with only a few minor modifications the apartment is ferret-ready should Ember decide to move in.

I had to run into town today to mail my taxes and buy some shampoo and stuff so I had lunch with Ember and Rah-Rah. There was some sort of power outage in town today so instead of Bueno Nacho we had lunch at a local pizza buffet.

After lunch I went over to Critter’s house to hang out for a little bit. We were supposed to have done something today anyway but K was acting fussy so we postponed the bigger plan until tomorrow, even though we still don’t know exactly what the plan is. She’s ruled out trying to take over the world, and I’m going to put a kibosh on trying to save it since I’m not fond of losing my pants in public.

We just hung out a little and talked. She was supposed to drop some paperwork off downtown at 1700 but she didn’t have her last two paycheck stubs so she called and rescheduled. She and the kids are going over to K’s father’s house for Bueno Nacho and a movie. That’s all I’ve got for now.

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