I get to stay!

I still have no idea what my entry was originally going to be about yesterday.

We found out today what our new stores would be. I am changing, and to the next closest store which had five trainees going to it. It now has six. Good grief! A store that size usually only has eight managers at my level, and they have six openings? Yeah, I’m feeling all warm and fuzzy about this one. I won’t find out what area in the store I have until Monday. That store is known as the biggest, deepest, pit of negative energy in the entire district, but I’m trying to be positive and go in with an attitude of success and something else Stephen Covey said….

No, I think I’ll be OK. I’ll have five classmates in the store with me, and we’re going to stick together like glue. Unless of course it’s better career-wise to throw one of them in front of the bus and then I can totally do that.

I missed my meds today, and I’m probably going to pay for it later but that’s the price of oversleeping I guess.

I’m in a better mood now than I was this morning. I guess the stress of not knowing where I was going to be working was worse than I thought it was.

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Not knowing can surely throw you out of kilter! Warm and fuzzy huh? LOL Hugs my friend!