I may just have to retire…

Oh my God, my neighbors are terminally stupid. Of course you remember the drama of the truck blocking the driveway from last night, so I slept a little late and got ready a little slower and generally took my time with it this morning. I came out into the front room and noticed that the guy who parks his truck under my deck had left. I saw tire tracks leading out and after walking around and down I confirmed his truck was indeed gone, so I figured he had helped get the other truck out of the way and so off to work I went.

WRONG ANSWER DUDES! I get down to the pond and about thirty or so feet closer to the house than the first truck is, you got it, the second truck. He’s not just blocking the road though, he’s in a ditch and blocking the road, so he’s going to need professional help getting out of there. Of course, we’re going to ignore the fact that I drove down the hill to his truck and then DROVE BACKWARDS UP THE HILL without once even coming close to a ditch or slipping or sliding or anything winter weather normally causes. I must be possessed of truly god-like driving skills. Maybe it’s my mutant power! I wonder if Xavier’s school takes people in their thirties……

Or it could be my neighbors are both idiots and got their licenses from Cracker Jack  boxes. I’m actually kind of hoping that’s it because I really wouldn’t look good in spandex…..

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January 22, 2008

oh god spandex