Let the fall craziness begin!

First day of the local festival season and it rained all night, the fairgrounds are going to be a mosh pit.

First day with the old hourly manager gone, the one that used to give direction just for the sake of giving direction. Of course she stayed long enough over yesterday to squeeze an extra day’s pay out of the company with the overtime that there was no reason for. This is the first day of the new hourly manager being by herself and she’d doing ok. She’s being conservative with the lunches and breaks and is probably putting the closer in a tough spot but she’ll get the hang of it.

I’m thinking of stopping therapy at the end of November, I think I’ve reached a point of diminishing returns and I’m not getting as much out of it as I did the fist few months.

I have an appointment with my audiologist on Monday, it’s my yearly appointment but I missed last year on account of my brain melting and all. I heard back from them that my insurance seems to have changed and it covers partial payments towards hearing aids now, which is a relief since getting mine fixed again would be outrageously expensive. That’s how they get you, they sell you these hearing aids that are terrific and the cure to all your ills but they don’t tell you they can only fix them for a normal price for five years. After five years the repair prices almost triple and it’s honestly a coin-toss as to whether you should replace them or not.

I’ve got some homework to do now so I’m off!

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