Oh yeah!

Wow, three updates in thirty-six hours! I’m just rockin’ this week!

OK, I remembered: K’s father was fired last week. Not "laid off" but fired. They got him and his roommate on the same day: him for horseplay (which is extremely vague, but he’s been written up so many times he’s got his own file drawer) and the roomie for refusing to take a random drug test. K’s father will probably be packing up and moving back to Tennessee. He is, however, of the opinion that since he got fired Critter should break up with OtherGuy and let him move in with her, for K’s sake, to keep the "family" together so to speak. He’s upset that she won’t. She thinks he’s crazy, and I concur.

When we were driving around yesterday we passed the plant he used to work at and K said, "my daddy at work." I told her yes, he probably was, not having heard yet. This is where it starts to make me hate him, next she said, "I no like my daddy, I no love him either." That’s terrible. It’s terrible that he has acted like such an ass in front of his four-year-old daughter that she says things like that. I told Critter, and she said K tells her that all the time. Critter and I make an effort to not say anything bad about her father in front of her, she doesn’t need to know all the crap that’s been going on pretty much since before she was born. And now for the topper: a few weeks back, when he had her for the weekend, K kept bugging her father to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street. To his credit, he kept telling her no, something he hasn’t always done in the past when Critter was living with him. I don’t even want to think about all the horror movies and what all the kids have seen while he was watching them. Hell, Nightmare scared the crap out of me when I was fifteen. Anyway, he finally told her, "this is the movie with Freddy Krueger. He’s really scary." Without even blinking she replied with, "Feddy Kooger not scary. You know what scary?"
"What?" he asked.
"You scary when you yell at mommy."

Yep. The four-year-old girl was more scared of her daddy than Freddy Krueger. What the hell? Critter told me he just broke down and cried at that point. We were both hoping maybe he’d open his eyes and at least refrain from carrying on like a lunatic in front of K, but it didn’t last long.

I told her again that I’d be there for K if he won’t make an effort to see her once he moves (since he’ll be going out of state). She may not have her father around, but she would have a daddy. She said she knew, and thanks. Later on when K was playing MarioKart on the Wii she was having coordination issues (but in all honesty she has gotten much better) and kept running into things. I told Critter that even if I did have to step in and be the daddy figure K was going on her insurance because she drives like a maniac. Critter laughed.

When we were at the park yesterday, K was reaching back to take my hand and pull me with her so I could go down the slide with her. She said, "c’mere daddy. ToyMan. Slide with me," with all the urgency a child that age can muster.

That kind of surprised me. I think it was an accident, and it probably won’t happen again, but she’s never done it before. I have to wonder how Critter, OtherGuy, and I are going to handle that if it becomes a regular thing when her father moves away. Oh well, we’ll deal with that if and when.

Should be hearing from Critter sometime soon about lunch plans. Since I woke up late I haven’t had anything but Kool-Aid to stave off hunger. I don’t have anything to snack on at the house, so I’m kind of stuck. If I drive in to town for a snack, I either have to wait forever for her to get off or waste the gas to drive back home. If I wait too much longer then snacking would be pointless because it’ll almost be time for lunch. Grrrrr.

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March 17, 2010

Such a tangly situation. I’m glad you are in her life. But tread carefully hun.

March 17, 2010

Yes that is awful that such an innocent little girl already dislikes her father. Hopefully one day she’ll have a real dad to look up to.