OK, the ‘splaining I got to do

Right. I was going back and fixing spelling errors and replacing "#3" with "Mego" and I accidentally typed in the title space, so naturally it pulled that one up as my most recent entry on everyone’s favorites page, hence the short blank entry to fix the boo-boo and avoid mass confusion.

Five o’clock somewhere just isn’t getting it. She’s not gonna make it. She’s gonna get fired, I can just feel it. I’m doing the best I can but if she won’t stay with me to learn how the hell am I supposed to train?

I’m really not sure about this one…

That’s pretty much it. TreeSap’s birthday is tomorrow. Nala’s was last week. Ember’s is next month. And they were all born the same year. What is it with me? Oh well. Ember would say I get along well with all of them because they were all three born abou the same time.

Had to fire someone last night for being an idiot. OK, techincally he was stealing time, but still. Numb nuts clocked in, got a coke out of the vending machine, then sat down and started reading a newspaper. I’m like, WTF? Since I knew I’d have to pay him for an hour anyway (it’s not an HR thing, it’s an IT thing: you can’t have two punches less than sixty minutes apart, the computer will not accept them, even manually edited) I went ahead and did the pre-shift meeting and got assignements and computers handed out and then after an appropriate amount of time had passed I sent TreeSap out to get him. Then I dropped the hammer on him. He wasn’t happy, but I made sure we had it on tape just in case and we did. After all was said and done I clocked him out with is own badge sixty-one minutes after he clocked in. So he’s gone, and I need another stocker. Damn.

Got two more write ups going out today – one for sloppiness with keys and another for not showing up for work, both of which I’ve instigated. I told the manager I handed them off to that I take care of them if she didn’t feel comfortable doing so but since they worked in her department I’d give her first crack at them. She took it. She’s gonna smack ’em both around when they get in tonight.

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February 9, 2009

It sounds very much like being a kindergarten nurse! Do the staff get formal warnings first before they’re kicked out? Seems a bit strict otherwise.