Out with the gang

Just before therapy I got a text from Critter asking if I wanted to borrow her laptop to update my GPS today, so of course I said sure!

After therapy I drove back down to town and picked her up then we went to eat at WaHo. After the WaHo we came out to my place and in the middle of updating my GPS and her laptop we realized we were ten minutes late for D & B’s bus from school. On the way back to her place we got a message from the school saying that the kids had ridden the bus home but there wasn’t anyone there so they came back to the school.

Yay. Another ten miles out of the way because instead of going to their aunt’s house (right across the street from theirs) they freaked out and flagged down the bus to go back to school. Their mom had a bit of a talk with them, nothing mean, just "think before you panic" next time. When Critter and I were that age (2nd and 4th grade) we’d have been "Yipee! no one to make me do homework! Yipee!" and gone off to play in the yard or at a friend’s house. Silly kids.

News on the potty training front: K started off today in a diaper, but the first time she had to go she let Critter know and didn’t use the diaper. She’s been in her panties since then and hasn’t had an accident. Of course every ten minutes she tugs on one of us and says "go peepee". The kid is just a peeing machine today. Critter is still going to put her in diapers to sleep in, but I’m going to see if I can scrounge some change to help out with training pants (they’re more expensive and don’t hold as much) so she doesn’t get confused. I don’t know if I’ll be able to (and I know it’s not really my responsibility) but K is the one who started this and I don’t want her to loose momentum.

That’s all I’ve got right now. K is in the potty again and D & B are watching Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior

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You are a phenominal person, I hope you realize that.

August 14, 2008

will you save that if you still have it i wanted to see it too

August 14, 2008

Wow. Sounds like Critter is starting to come out of her shell. And how impressive that the important things with the kids are first and foremost on your mind! I hope things with Critter continue to improve for you. 🙂