Weigh In

Down to 289 now and I wasn’t even that strict about the diet. I fully expect a huge slow down now though.

Been really tired: fewer calories + same activity level = really tired ToyMan.

Queeg is on her rollercoaster ride again. I came in to work on Tuesday night and got blasted. I thought I had another twelve hours before she started cycling again, I guess I read it wrong.

We’re already getting Christmas toys in and we haven’t even gotten the Halloween/Thanksgiving/Generic Fall So We Offend Nobody decorations in yet.

We got slammed with supplies Monday night. Apparently the warehouse sent supplies for several stores in our district on one of our trucks, which was silly since each delivery is point-to-point, warehouse to store. Our trucks NEVER go warehouse to store A to store B to store C, etc. It might save on gas if they did that, but for some reason they won’t. I’ve been told that the way the warehouse staging areas are set up each store serviced by that warehouse (typically 40-65) has it’s own permanently assigned dock door, so to get freight from several stores onto one trailer they’d have to keep moving the trailer since the belt system is set up to move freight to a specific door after it scans the label. They’d also have to install dividers in the trucks AND we’d have to start live unload of every truck since we’re all used to drop trailers (they bring the new freight, drop the full trailer and take the empty one back to the warehouse). I guess I see why it’s worth the extra gas now.

Stayed up from 1900 Tuesday to 1600 Wednesday and then slept until 0100 today and I’ve been up since. I have therapy (really, I do, I checked) and I really hope I don’t fall asleep during the session. That would be an expensive nap.

Seriously considering "borrowing" my parents’ HDTV while they are in Seattle. It’s not like it’s being used, and even though it is a CRT it will go up to 1080i resolution. Of course I only have the PS/3 that could use it and it looks just fine with S-Video (my set doesn’t have component hookups, it’s too old) and that TV is seriously heavy, you try loading a 42" wide-screen CRT and see if you don’t agree with me. Still up in the air though…


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August 14, 2008

I’ve been thinking about recording my weight in here and making weight loss entries, maybe eventually posting photos showing my progress (because of course there will be progress). About how much would you like to lose? I have lost about fifty, but have gained some back. I’d like to lose at least 40 more.