Missing Person

The reason I had to remove my blog was due to issues at work.  I had to go through and edit many of my entries, but I’m up and running again.  As I write this, I’m currently in Amman Jordan.  I am going to check out some sites here then return to Iraq on Friday and pick up my things.

It always amazes me how we THINK we live in a free society, yet we really don’t.  We are never truly free to totally express or share opinions without being scrutinized by the government.  Following the 9/11 deal, the new Homeland Security laws have transformed our America into what it was during J. Edgar Hoover’s time.   Secret files are kept on we Americans once again.  What we purchase with credit cards are stored on file.  The books we check out of public libraries are kept on file.  Where we travel to are kept on file.  We are forbidden to travel to Cuba due to a generation old grudge.  We are lied to time and again by a goverment who serves their own agenda. 

I am truly amazed by what I have been reading lately of the oil scandals involving the Bush family and public figures world wide.  I am amazed that Bill Clinton actualy made it into office despite the fact that he didn’t come from ‘old money’. 

I’m getting off my ‘soap box’ so I can catch up on my travels.  I am becoming so damn irritated wtih how our governors govern…instilling fear into the common man so they may have more control.  Stop the maddness.

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