3 weeks into training *ah?*

Hey Readers,

I’m updating from my new "home" in Las Cruces, NM. It was a balmy 65oF today, some clouds and such hung in the air most of the afternoon. A fair amount of things have happened since my last update. Most importantly: I moved, I am back in college, and I’m still single (and loving it). I have been good on my word about working out now that I’m back in school. I’ve been in school for 2 1/2 weeks now, and I have basically been going to the gym 4-5 times a week with daily bike commutes to and from school, walking a lot on campus and doing longer bike rides with my mom’s friend, Lisa.

Yesterday, I went on a bike ride with Lisa and her daughter. It was a great ride. I think we almost rode 7 miles, there and back. The trail runs from Picacho Ave all the way to University Ave. I was hoping to go longer and I think she was too, but the trail only went so far. I told her that I want to start riding from my house to High Desert Brrewery. It’s might be a 10 mile ride, there and back. I’m not sure. It’s a lot harder in Las Cruces to find rides that are much longer than that. I’m thinking we could ride down in Mesilla Park, maybe ride on that back highway on the way to Vado. I should ask her what she thinks of that.

I have a permenant (sp? it looks weird) workout buddy in Merrissa. She’s from Chicago and used to be in a ton of sports. However since she quit playing, her body’s softened a little bit. So, she’s pretty motivated for positive change! =} just like I am. She’s training for a half-marathon in March of this year, I’m training for a triathlon in Dec. We’ve mainly been working in the Cardio Room at the University’s Activity Center. Running tredmills, stair-masters, elipticals, medicine balls and the like are often on the agenda when it comes to working out in the Cardio Room.

We tried out the weight room the other day but we weren’t to sure what we wanted to do, so we were not that pumped about doing anything really. I want to set up a focused routine that we do each time we lift so that we can bang out a really good work-out in an hour-ish. We started making a list of things that we wanted to start doing but it’s not that detailed yet. Perhaps I’ll do that tomorrow while I bang out my laundry.

I will be spending my day tomorrow locked down in the house cleaning and washing, because this morning I got my period and this afternoon my cough turned into a full-blown head cold+cough. >:( makes me annoyed. However, it was to be expected. I took my exercise from basically one day a week-ish to 5 days a week, a full load of classes, and a ton of Finanical Aid Drama. (LAME) Also, my eating is completely out of wack. I ran out of grocery money about a week ago and I’m getting down to the bare/bare essintials and random unhealthy things. I’ll just have to stick it out until the 6th or so. Then I’ll be able to stock my fridge up with veggies and fresh things once again.

For tonight, I think I’m gonna rest easy, watch a movie drink some green tea and head to bed. I have to fight this cold and my period hard, if I want to get anything done in the next week.

Here’s some inspiring photos.


Good Night lovelies,


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January 29, 2011

I’ve always wanted to do a triathlon! Go you!!! I am in the same boat waiting for financial aid! it does suck! Hang in there! Thanks for all the inspiring photos!!!! and the inspiring notes 🙂

January 30, 2011

You live in a great part of the country to be an athlete. My mother lives in Durango, Colorado and everytime I go there, I see people training for races or actually biking/running races. It must be that thin, crisp mountain air that makes people want to be active. Where’s Las Cruces? I’ve only been to Albuquerque, NM.

January 30, 2011

ryn: thanks! the black one is my baby even though he is 18 yrs old! haha I am very excited for Cuba, I have a few others asking about going in my suitcase you might need to fight them for it haha Congratulations on the weight loss so far! How have you lost the weight if you don’t mind me asking. I’ve lost 28lbs on Weight Watchers but i’m kind of stuck in a rut.

January 30, 2011

You’re so lucky to have great places to ride! I’ve been tempted to get a bike, but then I remember that there’s practically nowhere to ride around here, you have to drive for an hour to get anywhere worth riding. In town there are no trails, hardly any bike lanes, and drivers around here are NOT sympathetic toward bikers.

January 30, 2011

And RYN: Amen to that! Last night while I was eating my carrot sticks and waiting impatiently for my chicken to finish baking, I was thumbing through a cooking magazine and feeling ravenous–it was a while before it occurred to me that looking at pictures of pastas and cakes probably wasn’t helping. Good thing I don’t keep junk food in the house or it might not have turned out so well!