
This is my new blog (diary?) since Xanga decided to be stupid, sigh. I have been losing weight for about 8 months now, I lost about 80 pounds in 3 – 4 months and now I am stuck, HARD! I keep gaining a few losing the few, gaining the few, losing the few. I accept it is my fault, I eat too much and/or work out tooo little. I was working out 2 hours a day 6 – 7 days a week and being devoted to eating right and I have fallen off the wagon pretty badly. So here I am, getting fatter everyday and it has to stop, now. I have until October 3rd, 2013 to reach my ultimate goal of 130 pounds, that is only 17 weeks away and I have 38 pounds to lose. 2.25ish pounds to lose a week.  If I just can’t get down to 130 I would like to get to 150 or as low as I can. I was at 154 pounds a few weeks ago, so it just kills me to know I was so close and yet I failed. The suckage is strong with me I guess. Sigh. Anyway, off to workout.

Wii MW Medium Lower Body, 2 sets/9 exercises: 25 minutes
Cardio Kick: 25 minutes

Breakfast: Balance bar = 210 calories
Lunch: Shrimp Tortilla = 435 calories
After lunch and beyond: Binged
Total waste of time. Doctor tomorrow, don’t want to go and see what the scale there says.

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