Until the After:Friday the 13th

Day 1…

A National crisis it is now? We are being invaded by tiny little aliens who don’t respect boundaries, politics, ethnicity, class, consumer needs (or wants) or personal timelines.

Today the great big Bobble declared we are officially in some deep stuff.

I have been doing really well with my efforts at taking long walks, watching what I eat, and just generally trying to be healthy.

Tonight I just sat on the couch and gave in to an uncharacteristic bout of stress eating.

Tomorrow I’ll have to get back on track. Seriously I will.

I did prepare for this day. I was trained by FEMA before I became a free range human. I didn’t “hoard” but we are as ready as we can be.

The irony of making food and cleanliness front and center. First I was just getting the hang of self-control. Second, I have for so many years been telling myself (and others who have been critical of my rate of success) that I’d get my house and all the family loose end mess taken care of when I got a chance to quit running after other peoples needs and could stay in one place for a while. Hey, free time is here. Free? We know there will be a cost but somethings in life you can’t control. Just focus on the ones you can.

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