into the night…

…all last week was coldness and rain
it was expected and unexpected…
…it came strong and sometimes relentless
all you could do…
…is wonder and ponder
where all this came from…

…in a way
it was a sign of winter from the sounds of it…
…in another way
it was the sign of orange brown leaves on the ground from the looks of it…
…but all in all
it was one time ago…
…it was one of my dreams that combined it all

the lights…
…the red…the white…and the green
flashing off and on…
…and off and on again
giving the breath of life in this quiet night…
…but it’s the moon that dominates the sky
it’s there…
…slowly going away
where the stars all around…
…play the audience for us to see…

…merry christmas
to you…

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