back again with further news

Well, it’s been a minute.  When the free month OD gave me expired, it was pretty much right as homeschool was ramping up, and despite having plenty to write about, time was scarce and I was also more than a little concerned that right after I paid the $40 I’d be filled with all the I-don’t-cares.

So now I’m back, at least for a month, but hopefully for much longer.  Our commonwealth has a weekly time set apart for us mentors (moms) where we continue to further our own education.  Today we were supposed to share samples of our own writing, so I paid for the subscription and pulled up a super old entry from our TTC days and read it to them.  I sometimes forget how well I used to write.  (I like to think I still could — but that’s something I would need to actually invest the time in proving.) At any rate, it was the push I needed to find my way back here again.

Much has happened.  Much deserves its own post, but in the interest of providing updates:

  1. Scott defended his PhD dissertation in September and it was a success!  We anticipate revisions being done in December.  He’ll walk in May, as they only walk once a year.  This has taken pretty much a decade and there is no way to express what this has done to lighten his load and mine.
  2. We’re pregnant.  Due in the summer.  The kids don’t know, except our oldest.  So she’s helping us figure out how to tell the other little kids.  They’re so grown up!  This will be such a big change for them.  M. just opened my door after pausing a podcast and asked, “What’s a pacifier? …okay, but what’s a binky?”

I think that about sums it up.

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November 18, 2022

Welcome back and congratulations!