Niggledy Piggledy…

Hackers and Women


Ok that is a little overzealous, it doesn’t mean ALL women.

Hackers… what exactly is the point of you if all you do is go around ruining peoples lives? I understand the fundamental and ideological potential behind a hacker that works ways to make things easier on people. Those that create cracks and unique upgrades for computer programs and hardware. Those are designed to make things better and cheaper in a world that quite frankly has gone money mad.

I personally am disgusted at how obsessed with money the world is, if I could live without money and still get food/booze/ciggies then I damn well would but the sheer greed of the human race doesn’t allow for a world like that to evolve. They all HAVE to get something in return, they all HAVE to make something out of an ordeal. EH-EH! That ain’t the way it is supposed to go down. If we want to help then we help, if we don’t then we sure as hell don’t do it for a fee! But there are hackers out there that for some obscure reason gain a sick thrill from ruining other peoples lives. They put people through horror and misery of all varieties purely to cure their insatiable appetite for the pain of others.

I don’t get it. Simply because I do what I can to help the people I know and 99% of the time I don’t expect anything back except maybe a conversation or perhaps advice when I’m down and don’t know what to do. This fact of my life has actually made me pretty much destroy my chances of making something of myself because I’ve been too busy helping others. These hackers however don’t even NEED a reason for what they do. They spam, the infect and they victimize for no reason other than that THEY like it. It isn’t funny to give a computer a virus that doesn’t belong to you. It isn’t funny to put a virus on an online diary that for 6 years has held all the most personal feelings and thoughts of someone that has no other outlet.

It just doesn’t work. You people just aren’t right and you can’t see it. Why don’t you drag your big spotty, living with your parents at 30, masturbation crazy, demented little asses from behind the PC and get the FUCK out into the world and make something of yourselves?!?!? Sure you may need councelling when you realise there are more people on the planet than mummy and daddy but hell… you’ll get over it! There is a balance between nerd and geek! I know damn well I’m a nerd, I know loads about things that people just don’t care about. But you people have gone past geek aswell. You have become LOSERS. You have no social life, you have no aspirations, you have no MEANING. I’d pity you but just that might make me catch some alien disease from you.

Here’s another peice of advice… go get laid you filthy 40 year old virgins! Find out what REAL fun is!

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And women… good god where to start?! I know not all women are bad or demented so I will make that clear now, I do not tar you all with the same brush.

My big problem though is these women that don’t think us poor lil men have any feelings! That is wrong! I know because I have on a huge variety of occasions had my feelings hurt and in some cases it was EXTREMELY bad. Like for instance, Hazel Louise Oldfield. The first, the most important, the BIGGEST turning point in my life. She left me for a fat, shaved headed chav and disappeared from my life for 3 years. All that time i sat there wasting my life away pining over her. Going from relationship to disasterous relationship, not feeling for 99.9% of them.

Then all of a sudden there she is… back with a vengance. The first hurtful thing was "You haven’t changed in the slightest!" … *ahem* Yes actually I have. I’ve changed a lot and you wouldn’t know that because YOU have been gone for 3 years.

So we sat down for a drink and I drank a LOT because she is the only woman i am actually scared to death of. I mean seriously, I was shaking like a frightened new born puppy. She terrifies me. So time progresses and I make whatever conversation I can force through my trembling lips. Then we go outside and I tell her how I feel. Give her the whole lot in one vicious blast. She just looked at me and laughed after the words "I still love you…" tumbled from my mouth. Then she decided to leave so I walked her to her car and gave her a hug. Enjoying the little peice of heaven that this bastard world has provided me with and she leaves.

The end. She doesn’t talk to me anymore. Like I’m a fucking plague victim or something!

Then there are the opposite end of the spectrum. The maniacs that love you all too much. They can be wonderful but they can also beleive that if you are within 30 miles of another woman you are cheating on them. The worst bit is that if you get upset by it then YOU are the one with the problem. Once again… EH-EH! Women are always acting the victim, always acting as if it is THEM that need to be right all the time, they have to be loved all the time, THEY have to do nothing because they have a "big, strong man" to do it for them.

It is WRONG!!! Get it into your heads that you cannot just sit around getting fat and doing fuck all because it doesn’t work that way. You want presents and diamonds then FUCKING do something to deserve it! There is no free ride unless you are dating someone with no god-damned mind of his own! THAT is where the problem is though, we all let them get the fuck away with it! That was before my most recent insult though. NO MORE! This is one legend that will NOT be pushed around just because you have breasts!

The worst bit is that these days… there is no chance of changing the way they think because the government and the social environment groom women to be like that. They also groom them to became baby factories who have no choice other than to go on welfare and sit at home. THEN  the government turns around and says they are bad people for having children at a young age! The hypocracy just doesn’t end! Well here’s one for ya! I’m 24 and I don’t have a fucking child! Not that I can speak for the majority of the rest of my generation because the HUGE majority of them do! Or they are in prison… or dead. It seems that the nice people that everyone dreams of seeing are few and far between. But don’t be fooled. I’m not as nice as some people think I am. Like for instance Scot… he is on a list of people I have been making for quite a while now. A list of people that will meet a very, VERY sticky end.

I’m just waiting for the day I snap.

But I know not all women are as I have stated. Don’t think I’m sexist. I just think that Equal Rights is a little un-equal right about now. That goes for ALL equal rights

, but that is for another post.

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"The Legend" Jobie McJoberson

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August 16, 2008

If there’s a woman willing to disagree with you and say that they’re aren’t other women in the world that fall into those two categories then they themselves, I believe, fall into one of the categories and are too ignorant to see it.