Snarkey Feel Crappy.

No quote. No thinking. Just the knowledge that spring cold/fever things are the worst and most vicious, and I better not have gotten my boyfriend sick too. This crept up on me so fast, that I didn’t realize I was getting sick until I was laid out napping at 5:30 in the afternoon, so who knows how many germs I shared with him in the incubation period. I’ve been trying to sleep the blahs off for the past five hours, but my head still hurts so badly, that I think I want to try to sleep it off some more. If I still feel this way tomorrow, I’m going to be so angry; it’s been about two weeks that I’ve had my heart set on going to the concert that will be at the Rex. Greensky Bluegrass is such a great band, and I’m going to be very mopey and grouchy indeed if I’m too miserable to go watch them jam.

The monitor is making my headache worse. I’m quite unceremoniously ending this entr


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April 28, 2011

I really enjoy reading what you post; you have a wonderful way with words ma’am.