Through the Looking-glass

There are places I remember in my life… -The Beatles

In the process of packing and unpacking, relocating my life from the duplex I’ve shared with my friends, to the ‘love-nest’ (His words) I’ll now share with my boyfriend, I found a gem. It’s my old Open Diary, the first blog that I ever kept. Author-code A580693. It has long since faded into inactivity, but I had downloaded and printed the nearly 200 pages it contained. Now, I’m going to undertake the arduous task of backlogging… Oh yes, I’m going to take those entries dating back to October of 2001, and get rid of the messy stack of paper. I’m going to spend a lot of my precious time typing things I already typed, back when I was younger, more foolish, and had much worse spelling-skills. I think I’ll enjoy looking back on who I was when I was in high-school. I get to inspect those years where the girl I was experienced the trials and tribulations that made me the woman I have become. In addition, random journal pages from other real-world diaries are going to be filtered in here, so hopefully, by the end of the summer, I’ll have a decade’s worth of me logged all in one place, instead of a few months in one notebook, a year or so in this journal, one day in that one… you get the point, I guess.

Hopefully, I don’t get so caught up in looking back that I forget to move forward.

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May 14, 2011

RYN: Thank you, and I agree. If I’m to go down, I’m not going to go down screaming and wailing. I’m going to go down laughing in the face of chaos. Sometimes a moment in life to look back is a healthy thing. It lets us know how far we’ve progressed and what steps to continue or accelerate that progress. I glance back at mine from time to time and realize that though some of my goals haven’t…

May 14, 2011

..been accomplished, I have grown as a person by leaps and bounds.