
 My friend on Deviant Art was really down on herself in her journal today, so I wrote the following to try and put things into perspective for her.  Afterword, when I proof read through it, I realized it was a pretty decent argument in general, so posted it to Facebook.  Figured it was something every one of you could do to stop and think about, so I’m reposting it here as well. –

"Been a bad week for both of us, it sounds like.  My sense of self worth has been nonexistent recently and it makes everything harder and seemingly pointless.  I look at where I am and where I’m not going and cannot help but wonder, "why do I keep doing it?".  There is no good answer for me.  I keep doing it because, maybe something about tomorrow will be worth seeing?  Maybe it’ll be worse on the people here if I leave?  Maybe I just don’t give enough of a shit to do anything about it.
You’ve got talent, you’re good looking, you’re intelligent, creative and thoughtful.  All good qualities when we see them in others and all so mocking when we fail to see them in ourselves; even as they stare us in the face. 
You’re not useless and you were made an exceptional person by the universe for some reason – if for no other reason than the universe needs more exceptional people.  Can you really look at the world around you; the morons without a creative or useful thought in their heads, the bigots who waste their lives on hate and stupidity, the fools who spend every ounce of their energy fucking it all up –  can you really look at these people and tell yourself that the world is a better place with them in it and you not?  
In an ocean of shit every single rose is a blessing.  You are an island of worth amidst the foul; it’s just hard to notice your own beauty when you’re surrounded by shit.
And it’s just been a bad week for both of us." 

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February 6, 2019

I like this, advice!! It’s very true, and proves many good points.