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She’s my new favorite heroine. Wow, what a voice. What drive. Especially, what courage. As for you, I wish you all the best of everything and still believe in you.

Hey there…. I’m glad to hear you are still believing. I’ve really missed you around here and I’m sure I’m not the only one. One of those funny things…. just as I opened up this entry and read your words “still struggling”, the guy on the Today show was saying “he’s still struggling….”. In that case, it’s a 27 year old guy who was seriously injured in a head on collision in 2001 wherethe other driver was experiencing road rage. His life has changed forever. Perspective…. I always think, just because someone else has it worse, that doesn’t make my own problem(s) any easier for me to deal with. But sometimes it helps to count our blessings…. sounds like you are… Hugs

there you are! 🙂 (hugs) ryn- LOL about Camron, I haven’t heard much from him which is fine, I hardly think of him as our bubbles don’t touch anywhere anymore, but I found out on Facebook about the engagement… and everyone hates finding out important things first on Facebook.. (you, I do think about! 🙂

I checked out the Susan Boyle video. WOW! hey.. 🙂

good for you on still believing.

Every time I watch it the tears flow freely. I love it. You should hear her version of Cry Me a River on You Tube. Wow. Good to see you here.

And Les Miserables is truly at the core of my heart, so it really adds to the emotion. 🙂

Isn’t she amazing! I heard all the talk about her but I had not actually heard her sing. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

heard about this on the radio this morning.. they kept wanting to talk about her looks.. (hey, she doesn’t look 47!) but then they played her singing. wow. keep believing!

She is wonderful. However, I want the to help her to look better. I hope she doesn’t stay the ugly duckling. A little wax on those brows, a trip to Merle Norman, the beauty shop and Lane Bryant. She is probably actually pretty but nobody has shown her how to work with what she’s got (looks wise) The voice is pure HEAVEN.

Thank you for your notes! You’re very sweet to say those naughty things to me. *kiss kiss kiss grin* I’m glad you enjoyed yourself so much!
