
Ok, now that I’ve shifted around and found a foot rest, and am finally sitting comfortably (…the 70s called, they want their brown vinyl and tweed office chair back) I think I can sit down and write a proper entry.  It’s certainly been a while.  

Where on earth do I begin?  I left my job at the Chamber in mid-summer and subsequently spent the rest of July and August looking for work.  I did a short term (but full time) nannying gig for a little while just to pull in some cash – and now it’s back to the drawing board.  So far, things are looking somewhat promising.  Although I don’t want to jinx myself.  I went for two interviews on Friday – One at a childcare centre, and the other at a medical supplies/technology company.  The latter is the one I’m most interested in.  If I can nail that job, I’ll be ecstatic.  It involves mostly administrative work, all of which I’m sure I am capable of.  The pay is great, and it’s literally 5 minutes away from my apartment.  Here’s hoping! 

Aside from that, things with my boyfriend are going very well.  We’ve been dating for nearly 4 months, but we’ve been good friends for over a year before that.  Agreeing to take things further was one of the best decisions I could have made.  We’ve been talking about moving in together, so hopefully he will be living here by November at the latest.  When it gets to the point where he’s spending more time here than at his own place, but I’m still paying all the bills, it just makes sense to move in!  I like the thought of my rent being cut in half almost as much as I like the thought of waking up with him each morning.  La la lovely.

Not much else is really going on at the moment.  My family are all doing well, and life is trucking along as per usual.  We’ve been spending more time in the city and less time at the lake now that the weather has taken a turn for the worse.  I’d still like to try and get out there this weekend though, if possible.  It’s the best place to relax, and what with this continuous job search I’ve been a little bit high strung lately. 

Before I go – here’s the Tag that Ameri-Brit sent me.  As promised:

Here’s how you play…once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, habits, or goals about yourself.  At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them.

1.  I hate the state that my apartment is in right now – everything from the dirty dishes on the kitchen counter to the colour of my bedroom walls is making me cringe.

2.  I never actually wear a proper "pair" of socks, because I never sort them properly once I’ve pulled them out of the dryer.  They’re mostly all black.  That’s good enough for me.

3.  I like to mix cooked stir fry vegetables and shrimp in with my Kraft Dinner, and eat it with chopsticks. lol.

4.  I still like to believe my apartment might be haunted.

5.  As much as I’ve been fumbling through life for the last 2 years, my goals are still the same:  I want to finish my degree, I want to teach, get married and have a family.

6.  I once had a dream about a talking horse ("tuna days…tuna days…") that pooped out tuna.  I wasn’t drunk, high, on any sort of medication, or even sick at the time. 

7.  I collect hand painted Faerie figurines.

8.  I never go to the library because I rack up as many fines as if I’d bought the books myself.  So that’s what I do instead.

9.  I swear too much.

10.  I’d like to visit New York City in Autumn.      

And finally…………..

Since I’ve hardly been online at all recently, and I don’t know many people anymore, I will tag Sarah~Beth, and Hades Van Linen because they’ve been favourites of mine for as long as I’ve been writing at O.D. 



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September 24, 2007

hey a proper entry. Its so good to see you writing on here again. *hugs* Glad the guy situation is working out for you. btw I almost peed my pants when I read about the talking horse. That’s one crazy dream!!

October 5, 2007

i’m glad you’re doing well. good luck on the job hunt. i will try to do you proud on the questions, i usually just pretend i never saw it when i get tagged. 🙂