So it’s been almost 15 weeks since I last posted about how I’m really doing!  I suppose it’s about time for a proper update. 

March and April were slightly stressful for me.  Being in my first trimester, the morning sickness kicked in 100% and I had a very hard time of it… I was literally sick all day, every day.  I could hardly keep food down, and was very VERY picky with what I would eat.  (Not a characteristic particularly typical of me.)   Every time I brushed my teeth I wound up hanging over the toilet losing my meal.  This, as you can imagine, had me in a pretty crummy mood for most of my first 3 months of pregnancy.  That said, every time Kev would ask "don’t you LOVE being pregnant?"  I still couldn’t help but say "yes!!!"   I also wound up in the Emergency room due to excessive bleeding – at the time I believed I was misscarrying and was scared to death.  I ended up going for an emergency ultrasound at 15 weeks and thankfully the baby was OK – everything was OK.  The problem was with the placenta.  I was told to rest, no heavy lifting or physical excercise and the problem has since healed itself.

In May we purchased our first home together and moved in all very quickly.  I wasn’t able to do much (if any) of the packing, lifting, sorting, etc.  Thank god for my Mom and Dad and our friends who helped us out with all of that.   We got all settled into our 2 bedroom side by side, and it’s so lovely now to have a yard for our little one to play and a basement with so much extra space!! 

June has had its share of ups and downs, but for the most part I am feeling so blessed!  I went for my 20 week ultrasound with Kevin and we had a mediocre experience.  We got to see our beautiful (and so active!) baby and were pleased to know that it was healthy.  Unfortunately, our tech was an uptight cow and wouldn’t answer any questions regarding the sex of the baby, or parts of the baby or what the baby was doing, nor give us any printouts of the scan without charging us $50.00.  We recieved news that my fluid levels were low, and so were scheduled for yet another ultrasound about 2 weeks later.  While this had me worried, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.  Kevin was not able to make it with me, but we assumed he’d be left out of the room anyway.  The fetal assessment went very well – my baby measured on target at 22 weeks, and fluid levels were back to normal.  I got 6 or 8 pictures free of charge to bring home, and I was able to find out the sex!!  As it would turn out, we are having a gorgeous baby GIRL!  I am over the moon!!  I went and bought Kevin a picture frame to put one of the photos in, as well as a card "To Daddy, From Your Little Girl" and surprised him with it.  He was shocked – we both expected a boy – but SO excited!  It was amazing.  : )  I felt so blessed to be able to share this news with him, as we both wanted to know so badly.

I am now almost 26 weeks pregnant.  Since then I’ve been busy planning a pretty pink nursery for my little one, and collecting the necessities.  I’ve got most of what I need – aside from lots more clothes/little things, diapers, etc. – all that’s left is to start painting!  I love it!!  Work is going alright, very busy as usual, and I do have some promising new developments under way for after the baby is born.  At the moment, all is very, very well. 


So that’s that.  I’m sure I’ll be back to share more at some point.  I hope the rest of you are OK and I hope to catch up with you soon!


xx Kristin.


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June 22, 2008

Woo Hoo!!! I am so excited for you and Kevin!! Have you picked out any names yet? This is all such wonderful news. I still can’t believe you’re pregnant….still feels like we are back 8 years ago when we met… 🙂 I wish you all the best Kris and I am thinking about you always.