A strange thought…

solovoice on here had asked me a very logical question, what do I think that what is making our kids go and really commit all these mass school shootings? Well, if you all want to know what I really think that is really causing our dear children to go out and shoot up other students and even teachers at their own schools is because of what they see and even watch on TV, in the movies or even on social media sites as well as what kind of text messages and social media posts that they do post online. As well as the very violent video games that yes, millions of people do play each and every day. What I can truly tell you all is no, our kids these days are not actually suffering from any climate change induced mental depression or any climate induced sadness. No, it is more because either the kid is being bullied in school by other students, having boyfriend or girlfriend relationship problems, or is being the absolute centre of being peer pressured by their friends, or probably that student wants to do it because he wants to be accepted among his peers or to be extremely popular in school or even to unrealistically impress someone or something, or the kid is even having hard-core emotional problems or even can’t control their own emotions, all because that girl in the hallway doesn’t like that boy, or the student simply can’t make any friends at school. Or another reason why these mass school shootings do happen is because that child comes from an abusive family or even lives in a group or foster home or even from a orphanage. Yes, I’m quite sure all the extremely lame and pathetic excuses for why high school teenagers do pull off these kind of deadly shootings at school is still the same, not any different. Now, I just recently heard that the parents of the 15 year old who shot and killed four students over in Michigan, last Tuesday, have been arrested themselves and just pleaded not guilty to whatever they have been now charged with. But the absolute irony and parental irresponsibility of the teen shooter’s parents is that why did they complete allow their 15 year old son to have a live firearm that the dad bought on Black Friday in their kid’s possession in the first place, if he was going to use it to shoot up his school long after the mom texted him not to do it? Was their 15 year old son experiencing some sort of behavior issues that even his parents truly don’t know about until it was too late? Yes, I’m pretty sure that his parents were called to the school office a day before the shooting, over some extremely disturbing behavior that the 15 year old teenager was actively displaying in the school, either through text messages or through drawings that he was making. You see, I seriously don’t know if he was actually being bullied in school, but if he is, then, who’s doing the bullying at the school? And I seriously don’t know how he came up with the idea of making the entire school shooting a big huge video game for him? You see, ladies and gentlemen, yes, we all do have a Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, that truly shall not be infringed upon. But one thing is very clear, our public schools and universities are not shooting ranges, they are public institutions of educational learning. It is just simply too very sad that those four high school students that just lost their lives last Tuesday now can’t say the same thing. Or even see what all their hopes and dreams that they all had for their families and for themselves as well as for their own future could forever take them to, or what they all could have been, hadn’t they all lived and not died last Tuesday. As long as there are guns out there, the more violence is going to forever stay with us, no matter how hard we all try to push for gun control, the more mass and school shootings that we, the people, are going to see. You see, it is not absolutely not rocket science, or one does not need a PhD or even a Masters Degree to really know what is really happening in our world of today and in our lifetime that yes, there will always be very extremely tragic calamities each and every year is because of what, we humans, throughout the entire course of our human history have now truly become, or what we all have now evolved to the absolute point that we no longer care about who lives or who dies, or who we like or don’t like, or who does or doesn’t get justice, and on and on. So, the bottom line is this, ladies and gentlemen and kids, what you all are hearing and seeing from the mainstream media is nothing but absolute lies and very fictitious made up stories about what has recently happened is because they really don’t want you all to know the absolute truth about what really happened last week. But one thing is very clear, yes, every parent should absolutely have a right to know what truly goes on at their kid’s school, what they’re really being taught in the classroom to what kind of friends their kid, whether it be a girl or a boy, is hanging around with, or if their kid is being bullied in school or even a victim of peer pressure. Yes, nobody has ever said that climate change is an excuse for why our kids are committing school shootings, is because it’s not a valid or logical excuse. Nor climate change itself, truly isn’t known to rob and steal every child’s hopes and dreams as well as their own childhood innocence. But, as I end this message off, I would like to say that yes, I do agree with you all that loaded weapons do not have a place in our schools and our universities, unless if it is for a class. And our kids do have a right to be educated and to truly graduate from school. Not to go and shoot up their school.

I really want you to think. Not panic.


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December 5, 2021

I totally agree. 😀

December 5, 2021

@juliebear Merci beaucoup, Sammy. Say, tell me, what is you Canadians take on what I just wrote? David.

December 9, 2021

@wda2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89cole_Polytechnique_massacre

December 9, 2021

@juliebear I think I’ve read that already. Sammy. David.