Entry for Sinom

Last night I got a lot of work done on my ScriptFrenzy script (The Vampire Apocalypse Articles) and finally got up to just under 6,000 words. Which I was exited about (despite the fact I should be at over 10,000). Then I check my email today and find out that some people are already over the 20,000 target. Bastards.

Didn’t help that I kept spelling Simon as Sinom. Hence the title.

Hope you guys liked the excerpts from the script in the last entry. May post more later. I’ll see.

Last 2 episodes of Dr Who have been amazing, even if, in 2 sentances, Russell T Davies ruined my idea for a recurring Torchwood storyline. Bastard.

Loved reading the reaction to the finale of The Sopranos online last weekend. Last time a TV ending split the fans like that was Life on Mars. And even that wasn’t as devisive. David Chase may actually be a genius.

Have to get my 25 word pitch and 150 word synopsis written by the end of the week for something else I’m entering. No actually prize, but there is the chance to make contacts.

And finally. Fellow MST3K fans, click here and rejoice.

And now I must go.


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June 25, 2007

Yeah, The Boy is a bastard. He was done by the 10th. He did something similar last year with NaNoWriMo… it’s scary how easy he finds these things, but he always has plot bunnies running around in his head. I’m such a bad girlfriend; I used to read everything he wrote and now I just don’t have as much time. I’ll get to them eventually!

June 25, 2007

Yeah, The Boy is a bastard. He was done by the 10th. He did something similar last year with NaNoWriMo… it’s scary how easy he finds these things, but he always has plot bunnies running around in his head. I’m such a bad girlfriend; I used to read everything he wrote and now I just don’t have as much time. I’ll get to them eventually!