Happy #dogsatpollingstations day!

If you don’t know what I’m on about, look up the hashtag on Twitter.  You can thank me later.

Today is an odd news day.  There’s this huge national event, in this case it could literally set where we are headed as a country for a generation at least, and the news can’t talk about it.

Seriously, until 10pm the most politics they can discuss is to say that the election is happening and that is it. Even on the BBC website, they couldn’t have their look at the front pages as it would break the law.

I’m buggered if I know what would happen if a big story did break.

I haven’t voted yet, but will be voting Green.  Great thing about living in an ultra safe Labour seat, I don’t have to stress about voting tactically to keep the Tories out.  I can vote my conscience.

Then watching the results until the wee small hours.   Cos I’m a geek.


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December 12, 2019

Hope your party wins…..Why is it against the law to read the paper? and if it is then why are the papers writing stuff that no one can read till after?

December 12, 2019

@jaythesmartone it’s not against the law to read the papers.  It’s against the law for broadcasters to discuss politics before the polls close at 10pm, in order to not influence votes.  As the front pages of most newspapers are about the election, it is illegal for the BBC to show pictures of them