Quote game answers.

Didn’t have a lot of people taking part but, here we go.

Films first:
I’ve spoken my piece and counted to three.

SisterMoon got this one, it’s Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

There’s 30 million people here, and they all just let themselves die.

Both Oribeth and Peter_24601 correctly guessed that this is from Serenity.

Perhaps you’re the woman I never met.

Peter_24601 got this one as well. Three Colours: Red.

An innocent prisoner will become more angry by the hour due to the injustice suffered. He will shout and rage. A guilty prisoner becomes more calm and quiet. Or he cries. He knows he’s there for a reason. The best way to establish guilt or innocence is non-stop interrogation.

No one took a stab at this one. It’s from the wonderful German film The Lives Of Others.

If you value your life, come no further!

Peter_24601 yet again getting it right. It’s from His Dark Materials: The golden Compass.

We gotta find ourselves a Smurfette.

No guesses for this quote from Donnie Darko either.

What am I? A schmuck on wheels?

This is from Goodfellas. Peter_24601 got this one as well.

Cassius was right, the fault dear Brutus is not in our stars, but in ourselves

Fast ein Sarah guessed that this is from Julius Ceaser. Kind of. It’s Ed Murrow quoting Julius Ceaser in Good Night, And Good Luck. (It’s only the second part of this one that’s from JC.) Peter_24601 got it again.

A philosopher once asked, “Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?” Pointless, really…”Do the stars gaze back?” Now *that’s* a question.

No guesses for Stardust.

Now that I’ve met you, would you object to never seeing me again?

Peter_24601 again. It’s from Magnolia.

Nobody is entirely evil: it’s that circumstances that make them evil, or they don’t know they are doing evil.

No one got this one from the delightfully bonkers Delicatessen.

Goddamn FBI don’t respect nothin’.

Really surprised no one got this one. The Godfather Pt 1.

TV now. And very few people taking a shot at this one.

I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.

Oribeth got this one. It’s from Dr Who.

No, it’s not… it’s time to kick your ass all the way back to hell!

And she got this one from Angel. (Hat tip to TheMary who thought it could be Buffy.)

I am a lesbian. The reason I’m not attracted to you is because your genitals are on the outside.

No one guessed this one. It is in fact from Wonderfalls.

I always prided myself on being an outsider… but now… I feel the need to connect with someone.

This one is from Dexter.

That’s fighting smart sir. Don’t get me wrong I give him a fair wage… if he lives.

Couple of guesses for Firefly, and I can understand that. But it was in fact Heroes.

You know when you said it went well? Well, when you said well, did you mean shite?

Oribeth again correctly guessing it was from Spaced. And no guesses for the last two.

Now, one of you has been coming in a little hot lately, a little too hot, a little, um – oh I don’t know, he’s-burning-up-the-deck-with-his-skids-because-he-just-can’t-pull-back-on-the-throttle hot. Now who is this speed demon, my prince?

This is from Battlestar Galactica.

She should stick around. Your whole campaign is like some Dr. Seuss nightmare – One Fish, Two Fish, Dead Fish, We Fought The Good Fight Fish.

And this one is from The West Wing.

And finally. Pinched from shesolovely, leave me a note saying I’m in and I’ll do the following:

1. I’ll respond with something random about you.
2. I’ll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I’ll tell you something I don’t like about you (nothing too harsh.)
4. I’ll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I’ll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I’ll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I’ll ask you something I’ve always wondered about you (be sure to answer!)

Have at it.


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Peter_24601 & Oribeth kicked some major butt. i, however, placed no guesses. lame, i know… oh, also, “i’m in”! 🙂

Peter_24601 & Oribeth kicked some major butt. i, however, placed no guesses. lame, i know… oh, also, “i’m in”! 🙂

Peter_24601 & Oribeth kicked some major butt. i, however, placed no guesses. lame, i know… oh, also, “i’m in”! 🙂

I’m in! ~

I’m in! ~

I’m in! ~

March 6, 2008

I’m in. 😀

March 6, 2008

I’m in. 😀

March 6, 2008

I’m in. 😀

March 6, 2008

awwww…. i missed out!! i woulda got loads of them!! gorram it =D oh and IM IN!! haha.

March 6, 2008

awwww…. i missed out!! i woulda got loads of them!! gorram it =D oh and IM IN!! haha.

March 6, 2008

awwww…. i missed out!! i woulda got loads of them!! gorram it =D oh and IM IN!! haha.

I’m in!!! 😀

I’m in!!! 😀

I’m in!!! 😀

March 6, 2008

I did you so you do me… that sounds lewd!

March 6, 2008

I did you so you do me… that sounds lewd!

March 6, 2008

I did you so you do me… that sounds lewd!

I’m in (should I be scared?). Also, I didn’t get any of those, because out of all of them, the only things I’ve even seen were Donnie Darko (once) and Spaced! 🙂

I’m in (should I be scared?). Also, I didn’t get any of those, because out of all of them, the only things I’ve even seen were Donnie Darko (once) and Spaced! 🙂

I’m in (should I be scared?). Also, I didn’t get any of those, because out of all of them, the only things I’ve even seen were Donnie Darko (once) and Spaced! 🙂

March 6, 2008

You are pretty awesome at this… I am terrible at it. I can quote The Big Lebowski pretty much verbatim, though. That’s really, really sad, isn’t it? 🙂

March 6, 2008

You are pretty awesome at this… I am terrible at it. I can quote The Big Lebowski pretty much verbatim, though. That’s really, really sad, isn’t it? 🙂

March 6, 2008

You are pretty awesome at this… I am terrible at it. I can quote The Big Lebowski pretty much verbatim, though. That’s really, really sad, isn’t it? 🙂

March 7, 2008

I missed out on the TV quotes… maybe next time. I love the West Wing and Dexter so I was happy to see them there. I feel shame for missing the Godfather. Deep shame… BTW, I’m in. Later,

March 7, 2008

I missed out on the TV quotes… maybe next time. I love the West Wing and Dexter so I was happy to see them there. I feel shame for missing the Godfather. Deep shame… BTW, I’m in. Later,

March 7, 2008

I missed out on the TV quotes… maybe next time. I love the West Wing and Dexter so I was happy to see them there. I feel shame for missing the Godfather. Deep shame… BTW, I’m in. Later,

March 7, 2008

Heroes?? *headdesk* Bad me. But I feel less bad about the rest ’cause I haven’t seen any of them 😛 Mind you, I’ve nabbed Dexter, I just haven’t watched it yet. I went nuts and downloaded a bunch of stuff – and have more to go, like Life on Mars and BSG – but forgot I actually need *time* to watch it all. D’oh. Oh, and unsurprisingly… I’m in! ^^

March 7, 2008

Heroes?? *headdesk* Bad me. But I feel less bad about the rest ’cause I haven’t seen any of them 😛 Mind you, I’ve nabbed Dexter, I just haven’t watched it yet. I went nuts and downloaded a bunch of stuff – and have more to go, like Life on Mars and BSG – but forgot I actually need *time* to watch it all. D’oh. Oh, and unsurprisingly… I’m in! ^^

March 7, 2008

Heroes?? *headdesk* Bad me. But I feel less bad about the rest ’cause I haven’t seen any of them 😛 Mind you, I’ve nabbed Dexter, I just haven’t watched it yet. I went nuts and downloaded a bunch of stuff – and have more to go, like Life on Mars and BSG – but forgot I actually need *time* to watch it all. D’oh. Oh, and unsurprisingly… I’m in! ^^