
So, what’s been happening in my life since I last wrote? Not a lot.

I’ve got more of that script done and am now up to 10 pages. Only thing is I think I may have a slight pacing problem with it. I’ll keep going and see where I end up.

But apart from the pacing thing I’m quite pleased with it so far. I’ve introduced most of the characters, it’s all flowing well and none of them are saying anything they wouldn’t do. Dunno if that last bit makes any sense to you lot but I know exactly what I’m on about, which is good.

Just got one thing to sort out, but it may be a while before I get there so there’s still time. Thankfully.

On Friday I had jury duty. Kinda. One of my friends is conducting research for her dissertation and I volunteered to take part. And it was actually quite good fun. We read through a ‘transcript’ of a courst case (based on a real life case) and then debated. We then voted on whether we thought the guy was guilty or innocent. All good fun.

Still job hunting and still getting nowhere. Grrr. I have, however, convinced a friend to buy my old, broken laptop for £250. So, now to get it back from Toshiba.

(In case anyone thinks I’ve ripped him off a. he knows it’s broken and b. he runs his own computer repair business and will likely use it for spare parts.)

So, that’s my life right now. Next entry I’m going to try something which will hopefully become a regular series. We’ll see.


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OOoOOOoo, the anticipation ;-P! I understand what you mean, there is things this and that character just would NOT say – it would in fact be out of character, ha!

OOoOOOoo, the anticipation ;-P! I understand what you mean, there is things this and that character just would NOT say – it would in fact be out of character, ha!

January 28, 2007

Oh great icon! A Dalek, the Doctor, and the Tardis!—–»

January 28, 2007

Oh great icon! A Dalek, the Doctor, and the Tardis!—–»

Yeay series!

Yeay series!