This is easier than writing a bio about myself

Do you feel like you have unfinished business with anyone? Absolutely. At this present time I don’t have much of a desire to finish it.

Have you ever been to the Statue of Liberty? No. I don’t really have a desire to travel to New York but maybe some time in my life an opportunity will come up. Otherwise, there is a good chance I will die without ever seeing it in person.

What are some of your favorite sitcoms? I don’t watch a lot of tv anymore. It’s a lot of trash “reality tv shows” for background noise. I do like Survivor and I have watched every season. I am becoming interested in crime shows. Not like NCIS and the likes but crime shows covering real cases. I just don’t know where to start.

Do you talk to your Uber/taxi driver? I have maybe driven in an uber car 3 times in my life so far and I’ve always been with someone so I’m usually quiet while they talk.

Have you ever taken an Uber pool? I’m assuming that’s when you ride with other people you don’t know. So no. Never.

How cold does it get in winter where you live? This year alone it has got down into the -20s.

Do you like to layer when you dress up? Yes usually.

Will you ever call it X, or will you always call it Twitter? I don’t use Twitter but I’ve only ever known it to be called Twitter. How do you go from Twitter to X is my question?

Are you a fast walker? I don’t think I am. I like to walk though but I’m short so short legs, short walking distance.

Have you ever skated on a frozen lake? Would you want to? I am a worst case scenario type of person so I will not even attempt it because the scenes in my head of the ice breaking and me falling into freezing cold water and before someone can pull me out I end up getting caught under the ice and they are unable to break the ice to get me out so then I drown.

Were you susceptible to peer pressure as a teenager? Sometimes. Mainly with just my small group of friends and they wanted to do something stupid so I just went along with it.

Who did you last go to the cinema with? I really had to think there. Probably with my kids.

Do you have any cheese in your fridge right now? Um yes. Lots of cheese.

Do you wear earrings every day? No not everyday. But I like wearing them.

What colour was the last couch you sat on? Tan

Do you think your house is too small, too big or just right? It’s just right. Just moved into this house in October and I really like it.

Would you rather eat mashed potatoes or hash browns? mashed potatoes

What website do you spend the most time on? Facebook and TikTok

Have you ever had a Tamagotchi? Yes.

Who was the last person you avoided? There are many people I avoid. Social anxiety at it’s best.

Do you give a wishlist to your friends and family for Christmas and/or birthdays. No

What pet names do you use for your friends? I honestly have no friends, but when I did we never really used pet names. If we did I can’t remember.

What decade do you think has been the best for movies? The 80s. I love all things 80s. I wish I was a teen in the 80s.

Think about the last book you read. Was it fiction or non-fiction? Currently reading a fiction romance book.

Were you better at maths or English in school? English 100%. I loved research papers. I still love researching things for fun. I did not like maths.

Would you know the coordinates of your city? No. I should look it up.

Have you ever sent a postcard while on vacation? No.

Do you look up when helicopters or planes fly overhead?  Always.

What do you do when you’re bored? Scroll on TikTok

Do you know anyone who has a hearing deficit? Not personally but I know of people.

What is the average number of customers that stop by where you work? I am the customer, so to speak.

When you are having a bath, do you have the water low, medium, or high. I haven’t taken a bath in a long time but I like hot water when I bath or shower. I’m assuming we’re talking about heat but if we’re talking level of water then high. If I take a bath I like to be emersed in the water.

Do you know exactly what a physician is? Would you ever want to be one? Yes. No. I don’t like touching people or bodily fluids.

Does your phone have a stopwatch? Yes.

What is your surname? If you could change it, what would you want it to be? I won’t share it but I would definitely not change it. It’s unique.

Do you know anyone who pronounces ‘ketchup’ with ‘catsup’? No but I know someone who pronounces it Katchup and it drives me crazy.

Speaking of cats, what are your favorite colours for a cat? I don’t like cats so I don’t pay much attention to their colors.

What are you methods to remind yourself of something important? I write it down on my dry erase calendar board on my fridge and/or set an alarm on my phone.

What are your opinions on fake sugar? Do you use it? Why or why not? I don’t really like it. I’ve used it before in baking but it’s not my favorite thing.

Would you ever want to study sociology? Why or why not? Yes I would. Sociology and Psychology have always been interesting for me.

If you had to have a porch for your house, what color would it be? Right now it is a very weathered red color. I’m debating if I want to re-stain it red this Spring or change the color completely but to do that would require a lot of pressure washing and sanding which means a lot of time consumption. So likely, it will remain red.

What makes a person physically beautiful to you? I notice hair first, then the face, then the body stature. How they stand and walk. I know. Very unconventional things. I do notice smiles when I can look somebody in the face. Again, social anxiety. It’s the worst.

Would you rather have a hospital become a church, or vice versa? Um. I think both ways would be helpful. Both institutions cater to the sick and broken.

Would you miss winter if it never came back? Why or why not? No I would not.

Do you notice a pattern with people who were born as the middle child? Yeah.

Did you ever play around a hydrant when you were younger? Yeah I think so.

Does bad weather ruin your day? Why or why not? Snowy, cold, blizzard, freezing conditions, yes. Which is 6 months out of the year where I live.

What is one thing stopping you from becoming a veterinarian? So this is a story: In middle school I job shadowed a local veterinarian facility and while there, the first thing I got to witness was a small white dog turning yellow because it ended up consuming anti-freeze and then sadly passed away. So I witnessed a dog die. I was only 12 or 13 so that was traumatic. The owners were very sad. It was an emotional experience. THEN, I witness a dog coming off anesthesia and threw up an orange type substance all over the floor. That was lovely. Then I witnessed a very old dog get his rotten teeth pulled from it’s mouth. THEN watched a live surgery of a dog getting neutered. And I want to say, this all happened in one day. One morning. THEN after all of that, they ordered us pizza for lunch, expecting us to chow down food after all that we witnessed. I walked out of there with a definite future career change.

When you read ‘bass’ just now, was it read like the fish or the instrument? Fish

If you wear them, what is the average length of skirts you wear? I don’t but I sometimes wear dresses and they have to be mid leg or ankle length for me to feel comfortable.

Do you spell it like ‘cheque’ or ‘check’? Also, do you even use them? Check and no.

If you had to live your life carrying a shield, what would its design be? Like ancient times. Maybe a Vikings design.

What states have you been to in the past year? Wisconsin, Colorado, Texas, South Dakota, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma.

Have you ever sleepwalked? I don’t believe so.

What year was your house built? Sometime in the 1970s.

Do you feel like you have more in common with men or with women? I guess if I really had to think about it, I would say men, but I’m not good conversating with either gender.

What’s your favorite superhero movie? The Hulk. My second favorite is Iron Man. My third favorite is Superman. My favorite Marvel movies are the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Do you want children? Why/why not?  I have two.

Do you have any credit card debt? Yes, unfortunately.

Have you ever been really late for work because you slept past your alarm? No.

Are you good at reading people? Sometimes.

Who do you go to for relationship advice? I don’t really.

What was your favorite way to spend a summer day as a kid? The pool or water park

What’s the longest you’ve worked without a day off? I have no days off.

Have you ever been scammed? Yes

Do you know anyone who works in the tech industry in Silicon Valley? I do not. Sorry.

Do you wear eyeliner? Yes, when I wear make-up.

Did you ever take a personal finance class in school? No.

How’s your mental health? Are you feeling well?? Not great.

Did you have a Xanga page back in the pre-Myspace days? Maybe. I can’t remember. I did have a Myspace.

Around what year did you start using the internet, anyway? I don’t know the exact year but it had to be between the ages of 10-13 years old. I’m certain the first time I used the internet was at school. My parents didn’t get a home computer until I was in 7th or 8th grade.

Do you have any uncommon interests or hobbies? I don’t really know how uncommon this is but I like to collect sugar skulls and skeletons with sugar skulls and display them during the Halloween season.

What’s something that would make you incredibly happy right  now? If my anxiety and depression would go away and losing weight.

What did you do for your 18th birthday? I have no idea. That’s too far back to remember. Probably went out of town.

What temperature do you keep your thermostat set at in the winter? 7o-72 depending on how cold I am.

Have you ever been to the Caribbean? Yes. Antiqua. I was hell in paradise, unfortunately. I would really like to go back to have a more positive experience because it was a beautiful place.

Have you ever fostered an animal? No.

What did you have for breakfast this morning? Special K cereal mixed with strawberry yogurt. I didn’t feel like using milk today.

What’s your favorite form of exercise? Walking and sometimes dancing.

Have you ever drank so much that you passed out? No never. Just hangovers. I like Tequila but Tequila doesn’t like me.

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