
 And so, many years later, we find our heroine (as opposed to heroin, which is much more deadly) returning from whence she came.


She looks the same, it seems.  Outwardly at the very least, little has changed.  Here, a boring author would put in the cliche of not judging a book by its cover.  I, of course, am not a boring author.  Or so I delude myself to believe.


So.. our heroine, that’s right.  I was discussing her.  She’s grown and changed, and confronted or settled with many demons in her past.  She is, however, far from perfect.  Everyone is far from perfect, though, so it isn’t a monstrous disappointment.


Her job gives her the ability to be sarcastic and witty, move around a lot, and do just enough math to feel she hasn’t completely destroyed her brain cells.

She has love, bountiful and wonderful.  It is fraught with trials and tribulations, but most relationships are.  It fills the void that she always sought to heal.

Okay.  It’s getting sappy now.  Instead I’m going to just say that I’m sick of spring and it can quit raining already.  12 out of 14 days being rainy is akin to the Chinese water torture.  I’m serious!

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May 25, 2009

A welcome return, to be sure.

September 6, 2011

I’m back 🙂 Hope to read re-connect with you soon!