Just a note….

….  I’m between computers.  I can’t quite bring myself to get one so meanwhile I am enjoying being off line – except for today at the library.


It’s a sunny day.  Cold though.  I have stuff in my car I don’t want to freeze.  I parked in the sunshine though.  Gracie and I will walk when I get home.  We’ve been taking some lovely walks.  Gracie and I have been going around THE BIG FIELD most days.  Sometimes clockwise and sometimes counterclockwise.  We’ve been visiting Joana.  Gracie gets a bit stove up and has to be fed baby aspirin in Oreos.  She’s managed to catch her ears in briars too.  She is an energetic dog.

I’ve been reading LeCarre.  The Perfect Spy and The Pigeon Tunnel.  I plan to order Adam Sisman’s bio on inter library loans today.  It’s funny when  and how a writer fascinates you.   I am susceptible to men – though I like Claire Messud and Jane Smiley too.  And others.  I cannot imagine what it would take to write a book.  LeCarre does it by hand.   How?  Was it done?  And is still done?


I wish you all well.  I will be back.  Somewhat soon.  Somewhat often.







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January 13, 2018

welcome back again, lol,

it’s always interesting to walk the opposite way around sometimes, such a different view,

have a good weekend!!!

January 17, 2018

Writing a book by hand used to be the only way and now we or most of us can’t imagine doing that! lovely to find you here and I’m back too.