Famous Last Words

In some cultures a person’s last words are very important.  It was that way with my mother’s family (she came from the hills of Kentucky).  Below are some actual last words of some very famous people and some not so famous people.

Antoinette, Marie, Queen of France (1755-1793)

 "Pardonnez-moi, monsieur."

 Marie Antoinette was the wife of King Louis XVI.  She was convicted of treason following the Revolution and sentenced to death by beheading.  As she approached the guillotine, she accidentally stepped on the foot of her executioner.

Cobain, Kurt (1967-1994)

 "Frances and Courtney, I’ll be at your altar  Please keep going Courtney, for Frances for her life will be so much happier without me.

I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU" (the post script from Kurt Cobain’s suicide note)

Edison, Thomas A.  (1847-1931)

 "It’s very beautiful over there."

My own mother, Anna Logsdon Lovejoy.  (1/25/25 – 3/20/92) 

Her last words were:  "I want to go home".

My grandmother, Elizabeth Davis Logsdon, died on February 28, 1963.

My mother’s mother died on February 28, 1963.  My mother was not with her but my uncle was.   When my uncle came to let my mother know that their mother had died she really wanted to know what my grandmother’s last words were.   My uncle really didn’t want to tell her.  He kept hemming and hawing but my mother finally wore him down.   My grandmother had a heart condition and died on the toilet while straining to have a bowel movement.  

Her last words were:

"I can’t shit!". 





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