Flight plan includes meds

I’m looking at airline prices and layover times and locations.  In fact, I bet I look at those more than I look at the actual destination.  Which is sort of funny.  How much time do I want to spend in an airport before my next flight?  What time do I want catch my flight?  I have to drive about an hour, maybe an hour and a half depending on the time of day just to get to the airport.  And if my flight leaves at 6 a.m., I might as well not even bother going to sleep.  Plus the cost of parking.  However, I am going stir crazy.  I need to go places again.  I want to travel.  I want to visit places I haven’t seen before.  While Oklahoma wasn’t my choice, it was still nice to go somewhere new.  I would be willing to cut back on everything if I could travel more.  But I really hate getting into a rental and trying to figure out how to reach a destination.  Most of the trips I’ve taken have been to a large airport and then I have to drive about 1-2 hours to get to my actual destination.  And that can be difficult, especially if neither my husband or I know where we’re going.    No matter what app we use, there are always glitches.  Of course, it always works out.  But not my favorite part of traveling.  If we are going to a larger city, I like to park the car at the hotel and take something like Uber during the entire stay.  But I don’t like my husband’s driving and he’s not fond of mine.  Or so he says.  But every time I drive, he falls asleep, so I figure I must be doing something right.  And so I don’t like doing road trips.  Anything more than an hour and I’ve placed permanent finger marks on the dashboard where I’ve grabbed it too tightly.   I’d gladly go on road trips, but that means I have to drive.  Because I must be in control in a vehicle.  My husband does things while driving that make me twitch.  He is constantly fidgeting with cruise control.  And if it’s not on cruise control, he speeds up, gets too close to the car ahead of us, and then brakes – very jerky.  He’s competitive and doesn’t like people going faster than he is.  He has a hard time allowing people to merge in front of him.  So many little things he does that annoys me.  I’m a horrible passenger.  I really need some anxiety medicine when I travel with him.

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