Toxic hotness

My husband took his gallon baggies of reaper peppers to the taco stand guy and he made salsa for us.  Three kinds.  Hot, medium, and green, each in a gallon baggie.  Three gallons of toxic hotness.  And it’s not salsa.  It’s hot sauce.  Really hot sauce.  So I’m in the process of canning it.  I’m using the 4 oz. jelly jars because a little bit goes a long way.  This is the stuff that would make your chili stand up and salute.  But I’m glad my husband has found a way to use his peppers besides just drying and vacuum sealing them.

It’s getting colder outside.  This morning the birdbaths were frozen over.  I didn’t go outside until much later in the day.  But at least it wasn’t raining, and the sky was clear.  Big improvement to the constant cloud cover and rain.

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