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February 21, 2024
I must spend a week sitting in front of the ocean. Let the salty air cleanse every breath trapped in my chest. Feel the sand exfoliate the grime of existence off my skin. Let the waves' symphony drown out the cacophony in my head I need someone else to shoulder strength for a while, for…
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  • 2.19.2024
    February 20, 2024
    You are no longer mine. However, I am still profoundly yours. Two came before you, but you will be my last. For I fear I will not survive another loss. The first, a whirlwind love affair, quick and ever-consuming. She came out of thin air, a creation made to drag me out of the comfort…
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  • Asset 5
    February 17, 2024
    How is it that someone who didn't yet exist is the most devastating force in one's life? He forced you into me, then forced you out. If things hadn't ended so violently, where would we be? I, indeed, would have left him, aware that I couldn't battle his demons while protecting you. We'd be rentin...
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