Bad Bad Sims *pic*

Well, my internet is back up at home! yay!

I don’t have enough time to really post the naughty sims pics, but here is a preview.

muahahahh. I hope it shows up…

I’m making this entry public, but the other entry will more than likely be favs only.

cuz this is adult content.

and uhhh, all ya’ll kids need to go.

but i think this is pretty "R" rated.

I mean, they show buttocks and feet in PG-13 films don’t they?

ha ha.

Oh lord.

here we go.








what, gotta give a buffer right?

it’s so anti climatic.

ha ha.

oh lord.


thanks for playin!


you peeping tom you!!!!


ha ha.

ok, more later… *wink*

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December 10, 2008

Haha… I didn’t mean to peek in his window… he should buy some curtains!

December 10, 2008

Wait… are those feet up by his head?!

December 10, 2008

OMG!! Yes… they are… wow… impressively flexible… glad someone somewhere is getting some…

December 10, 2008

LOVE IT! lol. MORE! MORE! MORE! ;o) hahah!!!

December 10, 2008

naughty sims!

December 10, 2008

hahaha oh my! you have to give me the sex codes so my sims can do naughty things too!

December 10, 2008


The things you can do with Sims. Wow! LOL!

December 10, 2008

LOL. Too funny. I must get expansions, apparently. My Sims2 don’t do fun positions.

December 11, 2008

That is AWESOME!!!

haha that’s hysterical. whenever you get time, email me links and stuff for this junk? and what do you use for all your other regular extra downloads? i have nothing – just the plain old regular sims 2. haha.

December 11, 2008

I think that’s probably PG13.

December 11, 2008

LMAO!! Thats too funny!

December 11, 2008

LOL, I want to see how they move!