still frame fallout

I feel like my brain is on high speed & I can’t keep up. Still frames, It’s like.. manic, trapped in quicksand. Mix of ‘fuck, lets move damnit!’ & ‘fuck, trapped.’

My adhd tendencies or wtf ever shrinky calls them have gone into overdrive.

My eyes feel like that quicksand I’m trapped in. So fucking tired. I’ve been sleeping a bit but it’s all screwed up. Bad dreams & inability to stay asleep. I hate sleepy meds but I think I’ll end up taking them tonight, to get some quasi.decent sleep.

But nightmares, so I don’t know. Weary of being chased through my dreams, weary (literally) of not sleeping.

I need some sort of grounding, I think. I can’t focus, can’t get centered. Chad’s to be back this weekend from Cali, maybe I’ll let him do his reiki thing.

Well, this was grand but I can’t stay focused on it for half a dozen different reasons so I’m off to pounce Jon.


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