Well hola….

It’s certainly been awhile and I have no idea if I still exist on anybody’s lists but hey, never any harm in starting again really.

I’m not really certain where I left off, I do know that I stopped believing that I had anything interesting to say so I stopped writing. A pity really… I can’t figure out why I had such epic writer’s block but I did.

Anyway, here we are! 2012 and there’s a lot of great stuff to look forward to.

This year mark’s my 3rd year in the U.S. Where did the time go? I have no idea… Some days it’s flown by and others have gone by slowly. I’m ready for a trip home but it looks as though that will have to wait until next April so I can show up for my lil bro’s wedding. I’m OK with that. We have a lot to do this year so I have no doubt i’ll stay busy.

We have a few months left in Colorado and then Jimmy and I have made the decision to relocate to Texas. Initially that wasn’t OK with me. I love Colorado and am very happy here BUT with his retirement from the military what became very clear is that the jobs just aren’t here so we need to go somewhere that has them. Houston, Texas offers us the opportunity to be close to family and really put down roots. I’m happy with that (I’m especially happy that military life is over and done with). Most of you won’t be aware that he came back from his last deployment injured. That required major back surgery (which took place in January) and that pretty much sealed it. Is it worth the risk, the time away from family, the exhaustion? Nope. He’s done his 25 years, he has nothing to be ashamed of by stepping back and just being a family man.

Another recent event was that Sacha (who is now nearly ten) was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. I suppose we always knew that she was a little different from a lot of kids (and I don’t mean that in a bad way) but now we actually have something to go by. She has Aspergers and Non-Verbal Learning Disorder (NVLD) and with all of that has come a massive shake up in our parenting (there is no much that needed to be tweaked) and a huge change in her educational requirements. The result? A happier, more well adjusted child who can function and not feel stupid (her words).

There are many other struggles that are enduring BUT it’s not changing the fact that we’re happy. We laugh and are crazy and life is good. It could be better but that is what 2012 is for, we will absolutely triumph this year and I can’t wait to keep blogging it out!

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December 31, 2012

Still around Vee? Hope Texas ended up treating you all well 🙂

September 19, 2013

More updates!!! 🙂