the person I want to be

I wasn’t sure what to title this… not sure what I’m going to write down.

Everything is pretty good. Yes, I am busy…. perhaps too busy. Sometimes I wish I had more time to do things that I enjoy doing but simply don’t have the time for. Writing more, art stuff, taking the dogs to the park, piano. Most other times I realize just how incredibly lucky I am to get to spend my days with the people I do and pour into people’s lives.

I’ve made such good friends and grown personally and spiritually SO much. I still have trouble seeing the bigger picture and everything that God has planned… but I’m getting very good at making the best of every day and every opportunity. I know what I’m called, by name, to do  now (love people) so all I can really do is be faithful in that. I’m certainly not – by any means – perfect… and I definitely don’t claim to be. I’m just so blessed in every way. Even in the hardest things, I’m blessed.

I really want to be a person through whom God’s light is not only visible… but blinding. I really want to see people the way God does and have love and compassion for every single one. I really want to put myself aside and focus on what really matters. I really want to be used by God, and anointed and … just… I just want to be whatever He wants me to be.

That’s enough for me. It’s really all I need.




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