No drama mama

Life is boring when you have no drama. Is it why I choose to hold on to it? Til my hands fuckin bleed but dont you dare let go of that fuckin rope! In it, is all your existence and no space for mercy. Because mercy will remind you that your life is simply dull and grey with nothing brewing underneath besides an occasional kiss. Where’s the damn volcano???!!! BOOM BOOM!! So much more fun when you have sleepless nights, tossing and turning and agonizing in that pain and wasting money on dumbass psychics, “Oh yea, he will return in March next year,” So you wait til then like the last turkey that you are, making yourself into more of a joke. And by, yourself, I mean myself. I’m that turkey. Gobble, gobble move out the way you’re blocking my misery! I wanna suffer because it’s the only thing that makes me feel anything. Yes, suffer my sweet child, let them know much he hurt you with that skank, who was jealous from day one. She might of been jealous but the choice was his. And it’s still his since he hasn’t called and it’s been way past March. So much for psychics. Gotta love the false hope, it’s more addictive than heroin and it feels exactly the same. Gimme more of that. Ahhhh yea baby yeahhh. Now I feel like I can chill out, at least til the morning when I wake up and start thinking about all my problems again. It’s bad enough we think about our problems at night and now they come running back in the morning too?!

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January 16, 2021

Drama can be quite the seducer; alluring, exciting, all inclusive…and while you are caught up in the performance, Drama silently injects its’ sweet poison. Great entry BG.

January 16, 2021

@moonliteman thank you