Roller Coaster of Stress

Here I am again. So much has happened since I last wrote. I dont even know where to begin.

Let’s start with the bad. I’m really close to being burnt out at my job. I hate that because I love what I do but my managers manager smothers me. He gives me stuff to focus on and I cant seem to unfocused from those things to be able to get everything else done. It’s just a stress I dont need and I am highly debating finding a different position

Next, Wednesday we found out my other half sister died. He was working out of town and I got his best friend involved and between the two of us got him to come to his house without asking anything and I got to tell him in person. It’s been rough but now we finally know what happened. She a bleed from her aorta and a vessel in her leg as well as kidney disease. Its tearing him up. We had a big fight yesterday because I had been snippy most of the day. I was cooking dinner and never have cooked burgers on the stove before and he was too in my bubble  I cant stand anyone in my bubble when I am cooking. We are fine and I apologized but still feel bad.

Then this morning I found out that Momma B has breast cancer and has been dealing with it since February. She’s been avoiding telling me because she didnt want to upset me. Lord knows how much I love that woman. I can’t handle any more bad news. That one was like someone punched me in the stomach. She’s one of the strongest women I know and it’s hard to imagine her being eat up by cancer.


Good news:

Sophia got evaluated for a tricycle. She did so good I almost cried. It was a struggle not too. I cant wait to get it for her. It will be so good for her. Hopefully this will build her leg muscles and we can get her back to wanting to walk.

Idk if this is good but one of the houses I love just went up for sale. I really really want it. But we are in the middle of possibly buying out landlords car. Idk if we can afford both. But idk. That’s all I can think about right now.

I’m waiting for my car to be serviced so I can go back and start prepping everything for the memorial tonight. It wont take long but I dont want Danny doing any of it. He needs to try and relax.

Riding a bike
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