Online Learning

My granddaughter started her first class of online virtual learning today. It was through a technology school that partners with our local high school. She’s studying Law Enforcement, so it will be interesting to see how this all works out. Her teachers, who for the most part are retired law enforcement officers, are trying to navigate this new way of teaching too. “I’m not an IT guy, so bear with me,” groaned one of them.

Everything seemed to go smoothly during her two-hour morning class except that her microphone seemed to have a mind of its own, cutting in and out during her session. I’m not an IT person either, so hopefully, we will be able to figure this out with the help of Google or one of her more tech-savvy friends.

As of today, our governor is still looking at August 17th as his goal to open our public schools.  He is supposed to hold a press conference sometime this week with more information about how our schools will proceed during this Coronavirus pandemic. Teachers and parents still have many unanswered questions about the safety of such a decision.

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July 20, 2020

school is going to be so difficult!

July 20, 2020

@kaliko  My granddaughter only needs a few credits to graduate so she plans to do online if offered by her high school. There should be more information from the governor and the schools coming this week.

July 20, 2020

Our governor is planning to open schools on Aug 10th.

My brother teaches at a local college, and has been teaching remotely since March, including summer school. I don’t think the college has decided what to do for the Fall yet.

July 20, 2020

@gypsywynd  Yes, my granddaughter’s high school did the same in March so they could finish out the school year.  I’m sure they learned a lot from those few beginning months of online learning. Hopefully, as we go forward, they have worked out the kinks and it will all go smoothly.

July 21, 2020

I think it would be great if your granddaughter could finish out high school with online learning.  I bet one of her friends will know how to help with the microphone issue.  COVID-19 is going to be here for awhile I fear.  I think it would be safer for schooling to be online rather than in class.  Just my opinion.

July 22, 2020

@wildrose_2   We got the microphone to work and so far online is going well.  Opening the schools right now is just too early in my opinion. Too many unknowns as far as what precautions will be taken and how they will be enforced. I feel sorry for the teachers and the students.

July 24, 2020

@adrift So glad the microphone is working and that your granddaughter’s online learning is going well.  How old is your granddaughter and what is her name?  My daughter is 35 years old and was just married last August.  I’m hoping someday she will have children but that remains to be seen.  Her husband is quite a bit older than her so that may come into play.  Plus I think they kind of like things the way they are.  So we’ll see.

July 21, 2020

Online education has so much potential.  For higher grade students  and those in college it’s  a natural.  I wish I had had it when I was last in graduate school.  For younger students it’s more problematic because they really need in-person education.  I really sympathize with parents of school-age kids and with their teachers.  There are going to be some agonizing decisions about what to do as far as the type of education experience that will be both safe and viable.  I’m so glad I don’t have to choose among the alternatives!

I hope your granddaughter’s online coursework proceeds smoothly and that the microphone glitch is fixed soon.

Take care, and be well and safe, my friend.


July 22, 2020

@oswego Microphone is fixed and her online learning is going well.  My granddaughter is pretty independent and she’s very motivated in achieving her goals. I wish I had had her confidence when I was her age! Lol

Take care, my friend.